Thursday, 25 May 2017

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Bal des Conscrits de Besse. On vous vorschlagen de venir vous dtendre avec nous le temps d une soire, que se soit pour faire une pause Anhänger vos rvisions, der souffler aprs les prüft, ou tous simplement de passer encore une bonne soire avec nous. Auf der Suche nach der Entschädigung. 30 MAI la SALLE POLYVALENTE de BESSE. La musique sera assur par Extremusic Disco-mobile et la Buvette sera au Rendez-vous videment. On vous annonce que pour une grande partie d entre nous auf sera en mode dcompression et on Sera donc en GRANDE, trs GRANDE FORME Lesen Sie mehr.81 haben Sie dieses Event bookmarken. Ihre Reise beginnt jetzt. Recover password.10 Schauspieler, die einen großen Job spielen, der gerade Charaktere spielt. In der heutigen stetig wachsenden Gesellschaft ist es so viel einfacher geworden Für schwule Männer und Frauen, um mit ihrer Sexualität offen zu werden, anstatt sie von der Welt aus der Angst vor dem Spiel zu verbergen haben Mit immer mehr Menschen kommen aus dem Schrank, es ist auch erwartet, dass eine große Anzahl von unserer Promi-Bevölkerung auch Habe ein paar schwule ac Tors hier und da. Obwohl ihre sexuelle Orientierung keine Auswirkungen auf ihre Talente als Schauspieler oder Schauspielerin, ist es immer faszinierend zu erfahren, dass die shirtless Schauspieler in diesem dampfigen, rom-com, dass Ihre Freundin war besessen mit tatsächlich passiert zu spielen Das andere Team Einige der berühmtesten Rollen im Fernsehen und Film wurden von einem Schauspieler oder Schauspielerin porträtiert, die Sie eigentlich nie erraten, ist Homosexuell. Überprüfen Sie sie, und sehen Sie, ob Sie erraten können, welcher berühmte schwule Schauspieler hinter Ihren Lieblingsgeraden liegt. Er ist ein ehemaliges Kind Wunderkind mit Genie Ebene IQ, sondern zeigt eine fast völlige Mangel an sozialen Fähigkeiten, ein langweiliges Verständnis von Humor und Schwierigkeiten erkennen Ironie und Sarkasmus in anderen Menschen. Recent Posts. This ist, was 15 Spiel der Throne Sterne Look Wie in.10 Fakten über die offene Meisterschaft, die May. Our Lieblings-Sites. Nobel-gewinnende Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Kenneth J Arrow stirbt bei 95.PALO ALTO, Calif AP - Kenneth J Arrow, der jüngste - immer Gewinner eines Nobelpreises für Wirtschaft , Deren Theorien auf Risiko, Innovation und die grundlegende Mathematik der Märkte beeinflusst haben, über alles von der Abstimmung über die Krankenversicherung bis hin zu hohen Finanzen, ist gestorben Er war 95.Arrow starb Dienstag in seinem Haus in Palo Alto, in der San Francisco Bay Area, Nach seinem Sohn David Arrow. Er war ein sehr liebender, fürsorglicher Vater und ein sehr, sehr bescheidener Mann, den er jeden Abend die Gerichte machte und sich sehr um die Leute kümmerte, sagte David Arrow, ich glaube in seiner akademischen Karriere, wenn man darüber spricht, es klingt oft wie Zahlen Und Wahrscheinlichkeiten Aber ein großer Schwerpunkt seiner Arbeit war, wie die Leute materiell sind. Die Tatsache, dass sich die Menschen oft nicht rational verhalten, das war ein Aspekt, den er oft betrachtete, wie es das Leben der Menschen betraf, sagte er, und der britische Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Sir John R Hicks teilte den Nobel-Gedenkpreis 1972 in der Wirtschaftswissenschaft für ihre Bahnbrechende mathematische Arbeit über die allgemeine Gleichgewichtstheorie, die besagt, dass es ein Gesamtgleichgewicht zwischen Angebot und Nachfrage in einer Wirtschaft als Ganzes gibt. Ihre mathematischen Modelle befassten sich mit den beteiligten Faktoren, wie wann und wo ein Produkt verkauft wird. Arrow verbrachte die meisten von ihm Karriere an der Stanford University, aber auch lehrte für 11 Jahre an der Harvard University Er war auch als Mentor bekannt Fünf seiner ehemaligen Studenten gingen zu Nobel Gewinner. Arrow kam zu prominent im Jahr 1951 mit einem Buch, Social Choice und Einzelwerte, die verwendet Mathematische Logik, um kollektive Entscheidungsfindung zu diskutieren Er stellte ein Theorem vor, dass es für ein Mehrheitsregel-Wahlsystem mit drei Kandidaten unmöglich sei, frei von bestimmten Mängeln zu sein. Sie können sagen, es gibt keinen wirklich guten Weg, um eine Wahl zu führen, aber es ist etwas anderes zu beweisen Es ist wie ein Fahrrad beweisen kann nicht stabil sein, ein Kollegen Preisträger Robert Aumann, sagte der Washington Post. Arrows Unmöglichkeit Theorem Grundlegend veränderte ökonomische und politische Theorie und Praxis, sagte Aumann. Arrow hatte eine breite intellektuelle Neugier, die Themen so vielfältig wie Musik, chinesische Kunst und sogar Wale bedeckte. Er interessierte sich für alles, sagte sein Sohn. In der Wirtschaft sah er, wie Risikoaversion, Innovation und Information die Wirtschaft beeinflussten. In einer Zeitschrift von 1963 konfrontierte er Probleme mit der Ökonomie der medizinischen Versorgung und der Krankenversicherung und argumentierte, dass es nicht so ist Eine wirklich preiswettbewerbliche Situation, weil unter anderem der Käufer der Patient hat viel weniger Informationen als der Arzt der Verkäufer über die notwendige Behandlung und Optionen Das Problem ist in der Wirtschaft als asymmetrische Informationen bekannt. Wenn Arrow arbeitete schien trocken und abstrakt, hatte es echt - Welt-Anwendungen in vielen Bereichen. Die Ökonomie der Versicherung, medizinische Versorgung, verschreibungspflichtige Drogenprüfung, um nichts von Bingo und der Börse zu sagen, wird nach Arrow niemals gleich sein, Paul A Samuelson, der erste Amerikaner, der den Wirtschaftspreis gewann, sagte 1972, nachdem Arrow den Preis gewonnen hatte. Arrow erhielt auch die 2004 National Medal of Science die Nation s höchsten wissenschaftlichen Ehre von Präsident George W. Bush. Arrow wurde am 23. August 1921 in New York City geboren, um jüdische Einwanderer aus Rumänien Mehrere andere Mitglieder der Familie wurde Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Professoren und seine Neffe, Lawrence Summers, ist ein ehemaliger Harvard University Economics Professor, Harvard Präsident, Treasury Sekretär unter Präsident Clinton und Berater von Präsident Obama. Zusätzlich zu seinem Sohn, ist Arrow von einem anderen Sohn, Andrew eine Schwester, Anita Summers und ein Enkel überlebt. Deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel rief am Samstag für Europa an, um die Regeln für die Nutzung von Daten in Europa zu planen, vor einem Besuch auf der CeBIT-Technologiemesse in Hannover, wo Digitalisat Ion wird erwartet, dass wir uns im Fokus befinden. Wir wollen einen Mehrer schaffen. Die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat am Samstag für Europa aufgefordert, die Regeln für die Nutzung von Daten in Europa zu planen, vor einem Besuch auf der CeBIT-Technologiemesse in Hannover, wo die Digitalisierung erwartet wird Im Fokus sein Wir wollen ein Mehr schaffen. Im Jahr 2006 hat Abramowitz eine Investition in ihr damals unbekanntes Startup gemacht und wurde regelmäßig um das Büro. In den letzten Jahren ist Palantir ein globaler Data-Mining-Riese mit einer 20 Milliarden-Wertung Abramowitz s Aktien werden geschätzt, um More. Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook ausgedrückt Unterstützung für die Globalisierung und sagte China sollte weiterhin seine Wirtschaft zu ausländischen Firmen zu öffnen, während sprechen auf einem Forum in Peking am Samstag Ich denke, es ist wichtig, dass China weiterhin sich zu öffnen Mehr. Apple AAPL O Chief Executive Tim Cook drückte Unterstützung für die Globalisierung und sagte China sollte weiterhin seine Wirtschaft zu ausländischen Firmen zu öffnen, während sprechen auf einem Forum in Peking am Samstag I t Hink es ist wichtig, dass China weiterhin zu öffnen Mehr. Ant Financial Services Group, die weltweit größte Finanz-Technologie-Unternehmen, ist zuversichtlich, einen Deal für US-Geld-Transfer-Firma MoneyGram International Inc, ein Top-Chef sagte Reuters, trotz eines höheren Gebots zu schließen Von einem US-Konkurrenten The More. Turkey, der einige seiner schlimmsten Haushalts - und Arbeitslosendaten seit 2009 berichtet hat, hat es versäumt, politische Schritte zu liefern, die Teil seiner Straßenkarte für Strukturreformen waren, weil viele inländische und externe Schocks im Weg waren, Simsek sagte More. Der Vorsitzende von China s privat gehaltene Anbang Versicherungsgruppe sagte auf dem China Development Forum am Samstag ist er bullish auf Investitionen in Europa trotz großer Unsicherheit über Fragen wie Flüchtlinge, wirtschaftliche Herausforderungen und steigenden Populismus More. Can Ich biete ein Auto In Singapur feedmanagerautopublish494 - autopubtestWPTUMBLR485 - 13 Stunden ago. Can Ich biete ein Auto in Singapur Viele Menschen unterschätzten die Kosten für den Besitz eines Autos Der Wunsch zu besitzen ac Ar in Singapur ist so stark, dass es viele Singapurer in unnötige Schulden zu gehen Kauf eines Autos ist ernstes Engagement in Singapur More. China und Saudi-Arabien wird ihre Zusammenarbeit im Ölsektor, einschließlich in saudischen Ölexporte nach China, die beiden Länder zu erhöhen Sagte in einem gemeinsamen Kommunique ausgestellt am Samstag am Ende des saudi-arabischen König Salman's Besuch in Peking Die Mehr. KUALA LUMPUR Malaysia Airlines Bhd MAS eröffnet acht neue Strecken nach China und ergänzt die bestehenden 17, sagt Chief Executive Officer Peter Bellew Die neuen Strecken sind nach Chengdu, Wuhan, Nanjing, Chongqing, Fuzhou, Shenzhen, Haikou und Tianjin Mehr. KUALA LUMPUR Rohas Tecnic Bhd ist in der Mitte der Ausschreibung für ein Wasseraufbereitungsprojekt in Vietnam, nach Chief Executive Officer Leong Wai Yuan The Ergebnisse, wie gut wir tun, sagte er, nach Rohas Debüt auf Bursa More. Die Abnahme der Darlehen Wachstumsprojektion, nach seiner Gruppe Geschäftsführer Datuk Mohd Radzif Mohd Yunus, i Sn t unbedingt eine schlechte Sache, da es sich um eine Verbesserung der Wirtschaft handelt Als Entwicklungsfinanzinstitut DFI mit Schwerpunkt auf Mehr. KUALA LUMPUR Die Einbeziehung der KMU Bank Bhd in die Montreal Gruppe TMG ist ein Beleg für die harte Arbeit, die die Bank erreicht hat Die in den vergangenen sechs Jahren angetrieben werden Die KMU-Landschaft, die im Jahr 2012 gegründet wurde, ist mehr. Chinesische E-Commerce-Riese Alibaba Group Holding Limited plant, in Malaysia eine regionale Vertriebsnabe zu gründen, um ihrem schnell wachsenden Geschäft gerecht zu werden In der Region, zwei Quellen bewusst der Diskussionen sagte Die Nabe würde in KLIA More. Chinese E-Commerce-Riese Alibaba Group Holding Limited plant, eine regionale Distributions-Hub in Malaysia, um seine schnell wachsenden Geschäft in der Region gerecht zu werden , Zwei Quellen bewusst der Diskussionen sagte Die Nabe würde in KLIA More. Chinese E-Commerce-Riese Alibaba Group Holding Limited plant, eine regionale Distribution Nabe in Malaysia, um seine f Ast-wachsenden Geschäft in der Region, zwei Quellen bewusst der Diskussionen sagte Die Nabe würde in KLIA Mehr. WASHINGTON Amgen Inc s 14.000 Cholesterin-Medikament Repatha schneiden das Risiko von Herzinfarkt und Schlaganfall von über 20 Prozent bei Patienten mit Herzerkrankungen, Aber Ergebnisse aus einer mit Spannung erwarteten Studie fiel hinter Investor Erwartungen und Aktien sank 6 Mehr. Finden Sie heraus, wie die besten Preise in Singapur Die Post 3 Dinge, die Sie wissen müssen, bevor Sie auf die Geldwechsler schien zuerst auf More. Tesla Inc s TSLA O 1 2 Mrd. Aktie und Wandelschuld-Angebot am Freitag zeigt einmal mehr die unermüdliche Fähigkeit des luxuriösen Elektro-Automobilherstellers und seines hochkarätigen Kopfes Elon Musk, die Wall Street für dringend benötigte Bargeld-Tesla s More zu nutzen. Ein Drittel der europäischen Unternehmen Erwarten, dass die Investitionsausgaben aufgrund von Brexit Unsicherheiten und ein Zehntel derjenigen mit Operationen in Großbritannien zu planen, um aus dem Land zu ziehen, eine Umfrage von 600 Euro-Unternehmen, von der Schweizer Bank UBS, gefunden Over Halb Mehr. Nordbohrungen, die rein eine Investmentgesellschaft und kein Rüstungsbetreiber sind, werden auf dem norwegischen Over-the-Counter-Markt registriert - die Aktien werden den Wertpapierhändlern zur Verfügung gestellt - und eine vollständige Börsennotierung an der Oslo-Börse Ist mehr. Die Gruppe der Öl-Produzenten implementiert 94 Prozent ihrer verpfändeten 1 8 Millionen Barrel pro Tag der Versorgung Kürzungen im Februar, von 86 Prozent im Vormonat, nach zwei Delegierten vertraut mit den Schlussfolgerungen eines Treffens einer technischen Mehr. On Feb 28, eine 2.885 m² ft Einheit bei Ardmore Park im Prime District 10 wurde bei einem 3 5 Millionen Gewinn verkauft Der Verkäufer kaufte das Gerät vom Entwickler mit 5 4 Millionen oder 1.876 PS, im August 1996 und verkaufte es mit 8 9 Millionen , Oder 3,085 psf Basierend auf More. WARREN Buffett s Entschädigung für den Betrieb Berkshire Hathaway Inc stieg um 4 0 Prozent im vergangenen Jahr auf 487.881 spiegelt die höheren Kosten für die weltweit zweitgrößte Person sicher Buffett s Pay wurde in einem Freitag Regulierung eingereicht , In More. Quotes für Dr. McCoy Charakter von Star Trek 1966.Der Inhalt dieser Seite wurde von Nutzern erstellt Es wurde noch nicht gesendet oder überprüft von IMDb ..Star Trek Der Zorn von Khan 1982.McCoy Admiral, wäre es nicht einfacher zu sein Setzen Sie eine erfahrene Mannschaft zurück auf das Schiff Kirk Galopping um den Kosmos ist ein Spiel für die jungen, Doktor Leaves Commander Nyota Uhura Nun, was soll das bedeuten. Kirk und McCoy strahlen unten zu Regula One Spock Jim, seien Sie vorsichtig McCoy We will. McCoy Verdammt es Jim, was zum Teufel ist die Sache mit Ihnen Andere Leute haben Geburtstage, warum behandeln wir Ihre wie eine Beerdigung. Saavik Admiral, darf ich Fragen Sie eine Frage Kirk Was ist auf dem Kopf, Lieutenant Saavik Der Kobayashi Maru, Sir Kirk Bist du mich gefragt, ob wir dieses Szenario jetzt ausspielen Saavik Auf dem Test, Sir, erzählst du mir, was du getan hast, würde ich wirklich gerne wissen McCoy Lieutenant, du siehst den einzigen Starfleet-Kadett an, der jemals das No-Win-Szenario Saavik geschlagen hat. Wie Kirk ich die Simulation umprogrammiert habe, so dass es möglich war, das Schiff zu retten Saavik Was David Marcus Er betrogen Kirk Ich habe die Bedingungen des Tests gewechselt Anerkennung für das ursprüngliche Denken Ich mag nicht, um Saavik zu verlieren Dann hast du nie diese Situation konfrontiert Tod Kirk Ich glaube nicht an die No-Win-Szenario. McCoy zu Spock Sind Sie aus Ihrem vulkanischen Verstand. McCoy Wo sind wir gehen Kirk Wo sie sind Ging McCoy Angenommen, sie gingen jetzt Hier Kirk Dann wird das deine große Chance sein, dich davon zu befreien. McCoy Du versteckst dich versteckt hinter Regeln und Vorschriften Kirk Wer verstecke mich aus Dr. McCoy Von dir selbst, Admiral Kirk Don t Hackfleisch Worte, Bones Was denkst du wirklich? Dr. McCoy Jim, ich bin dein Doktor und ich bin auch dein Freund Erhalten Sie Ihren Befehl zurück Holen Sie es zurück, bevor Sie sich in einen Teil dieser Sammlung verwandeln, bevor Sie wirklich alt werden. Diskussion über die Auswirkungen der Genesis Torpedo McCoy Lieber Herr Du denkst, wir sind intelligent genug, um anzunehmen, was, wenn dieses Ding verwendet würde, wo das Leben bereits existiert Spock Es würde dieses Leben zugunsten seiner neuen Matrix zerstören McCoy Seine neue Matrix Haben Sie eine Ahnung, was Du sagst Spock Ich habe nicht versucht, seine moralischen Implikationen zu beurteilen, Doktor Als eine Frage der kosmischen Geschichte war es immer einfacher zu zerstören, als McCoy zu schaffen Nicht mehr jetzt können wir beide gleichzeitig tun Nach Mythos, der Erde Wurde in sechs Tagen erstellt Nun, pass auf Hier kommt Genesis Wir werden es für Sie in sechs Minuten tun Spock Wirklich, Dr. McCoy Sie müssen lernen, Ihre Leidenschaften zu regieren sie werden Ihre Verderben Logik vorschlägt McCoy Logic Mein Gott, der Mann s spricht über Logik, die wir reden über universal Armageddon Sie grün-blutig, unmenschlich. McCoy Er ist nicht wirklich tot So lange wir uns an ihn erinnern Kirk Es sa weit, viel besser, was ich tun, als ich jemals getan habe Eine weit bessere Ruhestätte, dass ich gehe Zu als Ich habe jemals gewusst, Carol Marcus Ist das ein Gedicht Kirk No Something Spock hat versucht, mir zu sagen Auf meinem Geburtstag McCoy Sie okay, Jim Wie fühlen Sie sich Kirk Young Ich fühle mich jung. Saavik hat gerade den Turbolift verlassen Dr. McCoy Hat sie ihre Frisur verändert Kirk Ich hatte nicht bemerkt Dr McCoy Wunderbares Zeug, dass Romulan Ale. Kirk wurde über eine eingehende Übertragung von Dr. Carol Marcus Dr. McCoy informiert Es regnet nie, aber es gießt Kirk Als Arzt, Sie von allen Menschen sollten sich der Gefahren der Wiedereröffnung alter Wunden bewusst sein. Kirk unangenehm Bones Geburtstagsgeschenk Kirk Romulan Ale Warum, Knochen, du weißt, das ist illegal McCoy Ich benutze es nur für medizinische Zwecke. McCoy übergeben Kirk ein Geburtstagsgeschenk, nachdem Kirk ihm das romulanische Ale gibt Jetzt öffnen Sie diese ein Kirk nehmen Geschenk I m Fast Angst, was ist es, Klingonische Aphrodisiaka McCoy No More Antiquitäten für deine Kollektion. McCoy packt Spock s Arm Du gehst nicht hinein Spock Vielleicht bist du richtig Was ist Mr. Scott's Zustand McCoy wendet sich an Scotty Nun, ich denke nicht, dass er Spock nutzt die vulkanische Nervenklemme auf McCoy Spock Es tut mir leid, Doktor, ich habe keine Zeit zu erklären, dass dies logisch sitzt McCoy unten und führt Geist meld Spock Remember. Kirk Arzt, heile dich selbst McCoy Liegen auf dem Boden und stützte sich auf einen Ellenbogen Ist das alles was du zu sagen hast Was ist mit meiner Leistung Kirk ich bin kein Drama Kritiker. Kirk Kirk reagiert - schlecht - zu Spock bestellt Saavik, um die Enterprise aus der Distanzdose zu nehmen, was sie noch nie getan hat, bevor McCoy du willst Beruhigungsmittel Kirk schüttelt den Kopf schnell. Kirk zu McCoy, der immer noch lügt, wo er während Saaviks Simulation fällt Arzt, heile dich selbst McCoy Ist das alles, was du zu sagen hast Was ist mit meiner Leistung Kirk ich bin kein Drama Kritiker. McCoy Verweis auf den Turbolift Wer hat den verdammten Aufzug hochgehalten. McCoy Kirk läuft in den Maschinenraum und sieht Spock im Reaktorkammer Er stürzt über, aber McCoy und Scotty halten ihn zurück Nein Du wirst das ganze Kompartiment überschwemmen Kirk Er ll sterben Scotty Sir Er ist tot Schon McCoy Es ist zu spät Sie lassen los und Kirk geht zum Glas und schiebt die Gegensprechanlage Kirk Spock Spock geht langsam zum Glas und schiebt die Gegensprechanlage Spock Das Schiff aus der Gefahr Kirk Ja Spock Nicht trauern, Admiral Es ist logisch Die Bedürfnisse der vielen, überwiegen Kirk Die Bedürfnisse der wenigen Spock oder die, die ich niemals den Kobayashi Maru-Test bis jetzt genommen habe. Was hältst du von meiner Lösung Kirk Spock Spock setzt sich auf Spock Ich war und bin immer dein Freund Er stellt einen vulkanischen Grüße auf dem Glas Spock Live lang und gedeihen Spock stirbt Kirk No. Dr McCoy Spock bereitet sich darauf vor, den ausgestrahlten Kettfaden zu betreten Sind Sie aus Ihrem vulkanischen Verstand Kein Mensch kann die Strahlung tolerieren, die da drin ist Spock Wie Sie so gern beobachten , Doktor, ich bin nicht human. Star Trek V Die Final Frontier 1989.Kirk Was braucht Gott mit einem Raumschiff McCoy Jim, was machst du Kirk Ich frage eine Frage Gott, wer ist diese Kreatur Kirk Wer bin ich, dent du Aren t Sie Gott Sybok Er hat seine Zweifel Gott Sie Zweifel an mir Kirk Ich suche Beweis McCoy Jim Sie don t fragen Sie den Allmächtigen für seine ID Gott Dann hier ist der Beweis Sie suchen Shoots Kirk mit Blitz Kirk Warum ist Gott wütend Sybok Warum Warum haben Sie Getan dies zu meinem Freund Gott Er zweifelt mich Spock Sie haben nicht beantwortet seine Frage Was braucht Gott mit einem Raumschiff Gott schießt Spock mit Blitz dann Adressen McCoy Sie zweifeln Sie mich McCoy Ich bezweifle jeden Gott, der Schmerzen für sein eigenes Vergnügen verursacht. McCoy We Spekulieren Ist Gott wirklich da draußen Kirk Vielleicht er S nicht da draußen, Bones Vielleicht ist er hier genau auf sein Herz Kirk menschliches Herz. Spock über Sybok Er erinnert mich an jemanden, den ich in meiner Jugend wusste McCoy Warum, Spock, ich wusste nicht, dass du einen Spock hatte, den ich nicht oft denke der Vergangenheit. Um ein Lagerfeuer singen Row Row Row Ihr Boot Kirk Kommen Sie auf Spock Warum didn t Sie springen in Spock Ich versuchte, die Bedeutung der Worte zu verstehen McCoy Es ist ein Lied, Sie grünblütig Vulkanisch Sie singen es Die Worte sind nicht wichtig Was s Wichtig ist, dass du eine gute Zeit hast, es zu singen Spock Oh, tut mir leid, Doktor Wurden wir eine gute Zeit McCoy Gott, ich mochte ihn besser, bevor er starb. Spock ich habe einen Bruder verloren Kirk Ja, ich habe einen Bruder verloren, sobald ich war Glück, ich habe ihn zurück McCoy Ich dachte, du hättest gesagt, Männer wie wir haben keine Familien Kirk Ich war falsch. Scotty zu Kirk über Schiff Status Ah Alles, was ich sagen kann ist, dass sie nicht machen sie wie sie verwendet, um Kirk Sie sagte mir, Sie könnten bekommen Dieses Schiff betrieb in zwei Wochen, ich gab dir drei, was ist passiert Scotty Ich glaube du hast mir zu viel Zeit gegeben, Captain Kirk Sehr gut, Herr Scott Carry on Scotty Aye, Sir Spots ein Junior-Ingenieur in der Nähe Scotty Wie oft muss ich Sag dir, das richtige Werkzeug für den richtigen Job McCoy lacht, ich glaube nicht, dass ich ihn je glücklicher gesehen habe Sie betreten die Turbolift Computer Le-le-Level Kirk Bridge Ich hoffe, ich könnte eine Dusche Spock Blick auf Kirk Ja. McCoy All das Zeit im Raum, immer auf einander s Nerven Und was tun wir, wenn Ufer verlassen kommt, Wir verbringen Es zusammen Andere Leute haben Familien Kirk Andere Leute, Bones Nicht us. McCoy Ich werde Ihnen eine Sache erzählen, Spock Sie nie aufhören, mich zu überraschen Spock noch ich, mich. McCoy in Reaktion auf Spock tragen Kirk beim Tragen Jet-Stiefel Sie zwei gehen Im voraus werde ich auf das nächste Auto warten. McCoy Jim, wenn du mich fragst, und du Hast t, ich denke das ist eine schreckliche Idee Wir sind verpflichtet, in die Klingonen zu stoßen, und sie don t genau wie du Kirk Das Gefühl s Gegenseitiger Motorraum Scotty über die Gegensprechanlage Scotty hier Kirk Wir brauchen die ganze Kraft, die du aufbringen kannst, Herr Scotty Don du machst dir Sorgen, Captain Wir werden die Klingonischen Teufel schlagen, auch wenn ich rauskomme und Kirk ich hoffe, dass es gewann t Komm zu dem, Herr Scott. Kirk Alles, was ich frage, ist ein großes Schiff und ein Stern, um von McCoy Melville Spock John Masefi zu steuern Eld McCoy Bist du dir so sicher, dass Spock ich in den Klassikern gut versiert bin, Doktor McCoy Dann wie kommst du es nicht kennen Row, Row, Row dein Boot Spock hebt seine Augenbrauen. Essen ein Lagerfeuer Abendessen Spock Bipodal Samen, Doktor McCoy Bohnen, Spock Aber keine gewöhnlichen Bohnen Diese sind von einem speziellen südlichen Rezept übergeben von meinem Vater Und wenn Sie Ihre Vulkan Nase bis zu diesen, Sie nicht nur beleidigen mich, sondern Generationen von McCoys Spock In diesem Fall habe ich wenig Auswahl, aber deine Bohnen zu probieren. Letzte Zeilen um ein Lagerfeuer Kirk zu Spock Bist du einfach nur dort sitzen und das Ding pflücken oder willst du etwas spielen Spock startet Kirk McCoy Spock singt in Kanon Row, Reihe, reihe dein Boot, sanft runter den Bach Merrily, fröhlich, fröhlich , Fröhlich, das Leben ist nur ein Traum. Kirk Was machst du Spock Ich bereite mich auf eine Marschmelone vorbereiten McCoy Nun, ich werde verdammt sein Eine Sumpfmelone Wo d du lernst, das zu tun Spock Bevor ich das Schiff verlasse, habe ich den Computer konsultiert Bibliothek, um mich mit den Bräuchen vertraut zu machen, die mit dem Zelten verbunden sind McCoy Nun, sag mir, Spock Was machst du, nachdem wir den Sumpf tomen, Marschmelonen Spock Wir verbrauchen sie McCoy Ich weiß, dass wir sie verbrauchen Ich meine nach dem Spock Oh ich glaube Wir sind verpflichtet, in ein Ritual zu gehen, das als sing-a-long. Sybok bekannt ist. Was machst du Kirk Um die Schilde so schnell wie möglich zu senken und neu zu heben, werden wir auf den Traktorbalken verzichten und sie fliegen lassen In manuell McCoy manuell Sybok Wie oft hast du das gemacht? Sulu lächelt Tatsächlich ist es mein erster Versuch. McCoy McCoy beobachtet Kirk klettert einen Berg Du wirst eine tolle Zeit haben, Bones Du wirst deine Ufer verlassen Du wirst entspannen Du nennst mich so entspannend Ich bin nervöses Wrack Ich bin nicht vorsichtig, ich ll Am Ende spricht mit mir selbst. Kirk Verdammt es Spock Gott verdammt nochmal Spock Captain, was habe ich getan Kirk Was du getan hast ist verraten jeder Mann auf diesem Schiff Spock Worse Ich habe dich verraten Ich erwarte nicht, dass du mir verzeihst Kirk Verzeihen Sie I Oughta klopfen Sie auf Ihren verdammten Esel Spock Wenn Sie denken, dass es McCoy helfen würde Wollen Sie ihn halten, Jim Kirk Sie bleiben aus diesem Warum, Spock, warum Alles, was Sie tun mussten, ist, ziehen Sie den Auslöser Spock Wenn ich das getan hätte Sybok wäre tot Kirk Ich habe dir befohlen, dein Schiff zu verteidigen Spock Du hast mir befohlen, meinen Bruder Kirk zu töten Aber der Mann kann ein Vulkan sein, aber er Spock Nein, nein du verstehst nicht Sybok ist auch ein Sohn von Sarek Kirk Du meinst er S Ihr Bruder Bruder Spock nickt Kirk Sie haben das gemacht Spock ich habe nicht Kirk Sie haben auch Sybok couldn Ich bin vielleicht dein Bruder, weil ich zufällig für eine Tatsache, dass Sie don t haben einen Bruder Spock Technisch Sie haben Recht Ich habe keinen Bruder Kirk Dort Sie sehen Spock Ich habe einen Halbbruder Kirk Ich muss sich hinsetzen. Star Trek The Tholian Web 3 9 1968. Sprechen über Kommunikatoren an Bord der USS Defiant Dr. McCoy Was zum Teufel Capt Kirk Bones, was ist es - Knochen, was ist es Antwort mich - Beantwortet mich Dr. McCoy Jim, dieses Schiff löst meine Hand gerade durch Ein Mann und ein table. Capt Kirk Bones, können Sie mir sagen, was sie alle an Dr. McCoy gestorben Ich d sagen, diese Leute töteten sich gegenseitig Capt Kirk Sie, was Dr. McCoy Sie richtig gehört haben, Jim, diese Leute töteten sich gegenseitig Capt Kirk Could mental Krankheit hat die ganze Mannschaft infiziert Dr. McCoy Entsprechend dem Schiff s log, der medizinische Chirurg unten hier didn t sogar wissen, was los war. McCoy über Kirk Er war ein Held in jeder Richtung des Wortes, aber sein Leben wurde geopfert Für nichts Das eine, was ihm den Tod gegeben hätte, ist das Sicherheit der Enterprise Jetzt hast du das unmöglich gemacht, Herr Spock. Scott hat gerade berichtet, dass der Kapitän, der vermutlich tot ist, in der Technik Herr Spock In kritischen Momenten Männer sehen manchmal genau, was sie sehen wollen Dr. McCoy Sie vermuten, dass sie Jim sehen, weil sie das Vertrauen in Sie verloren haben Herr Spock ich war nur Angesichts einer Tatsache, Doktor. Dr McCoy Sogar Scotty ist betroffen Wenn Scotty unter geht, das ist das Ende von der Chance, die wir haben, um die Enterprise von hier zu bekommen. McCoy fängt sich an, einen Ausbruch zu haben Muss dieser Raum sein Zu mir, auch ich weiß es s nichts, was du getan hast, Spock ich, es tut mir leid Herr Spock ich verstehe, Doktor Ich bin mir sicher, dass der Kapitän einfach gesagt hätte Vergessen Sie es, Bones. Mr Spock über die Entwicklung eines Gegenmittels Die Dringlichkeit erfordert Ihre persönliche Aufmerksamkeit im Labor Dr. McCoy Mein Personal arbeitet rund um die Uhr Mein Wesen dort wird die Biochemie eines der Tests nicht beeinflussen Dieser Dienst erfordert meine persönliche Aufmerksamkeit, Herr Spock. Dr McCoy Der Kapitän hinterließ ein Meldungsband Es war sein o Rder, dass es von uns beiden überprüft wird, sollte er jemals für tot erklärt werden Sie haben gerade erklärt, Jim tot Herr Spock Es wird auf einen angemesseneren Moment warten, Doktor Dr. McCoy Warum Haben Sie Angst, dass es ändern Sie Ihren aktuellen Status Herr Spock Die geistige Und der körperliche Zustand dieser Mannschaft sind deine Verantwortung, Doktor Im Moment bist du deine oberste Priorität Dr. McCoy Der letzte Besatz des Kapitäns ist oberste Priorität, und du wirst diesen Auftrag ehren, bevor du dich übernehme. McCoy nach dem Betrachten von Kirk s posthum Befehle zu ihnen Spock, ich, uh tut mir leid Es tut weh, tut es nicht Herr Spock Was würdest du mir sagen, Doktor. Dr McCoy Was auch immer es war, dass die Besatzung der Defiant, um einander zu ermorden, könnte übertragbar sein Herr Spock Gibt es etwas, das Sie brauchen, um die Ursache zu isolieren Dr. McCoy Time. Mr Spock Ich habe Vertrauen, dass Sie bald die Ursache isolieren, Doktor, und verhindern, dass jede weitere Ausbreitung der Bedrängnis Dr. McCoy Die Krankheit wird nicht von den Männern, Herr Spock The übertragen Ursache ist der Bereich des Raumes, in dem wir uns befinden Die die gesamte Besatzung beeinflussen Die molekulare Struktur des Gehirngewebes im Zentralnervensystem ist verzerrend, und der Wahnsinn, der die Defiant-Besatzung betrifft, wird dem Unternehmen bald passieren. McCoy Was musst du durch den Kampf gegen die Tholians gewinnen, die du haben könntest Versicherte dich von einer Kapitänität, indem du die Gegend verließ Aber du hast mich verlassen Warum Herr Spock Ich brauche nicht zu erklären, meine Begründung für Sie oder ein anderes Mitglied dieser Mannschaft Es gibt eine Marge von Variation in jedem Experiment Während es eine Chance gab ich Wurde gebunden, rechtlich und moralisch, um den Status des Kapitäns zu ermitteln Dr. McCoy Du meinst, um sicher zu sein, ob er tot war. Nun, du hast es gewiß gemacht. McCoy Ich muss zugeben, ich verstehe dich nicht, Spock Aber ich kann es nur Ich glaube, dass du den Befehl von Jim haben willst. Aber du musst wissen, dass, wenn du uns aus dieser Situation herauskommst, sie eine Medaille auf deiner Brust stecken und dir den Befehl des Unternehmens Herrn Spock Doktor geben werden, ich bin im Kommando des Enterprise Dr McCoy Ich möchte diese Situation beheben Herr Spock Wenn Sie glauben, dass ich unregelmäßig gehandelt habe, dann entlasten Sie mich der Pflicht Das ist Ihr Vorrecht als medizinischer Offizier dieses Schiffes. Herr Spock über theragen ist ein tödliches klingonisches Nervengas Wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, verursachte es Tötung nur, wenn es in reiner Form verwendet wurde Dr. McCoy Das ist richtig Und in diesem Derivat, mit Alkohol gemischt, es nur verdünnt bestimmte Nerven-Eingaben in das Gehirn Scott Oh, gut, jede anständige Marke o Scotch ll tun, dass Dr. McCoy Oh Nun, eine gute Schnecke von diesem, und Sie könnten Traf einen Mann mit Phaser betäuben und er hat es nie gefühlt oder weiß es sogar Scott macht es eine gute Mischung mit Scotch Dr McCoy Es sollte Scott mit dem Becher von theragen Derivat I ll let ya know. Capt Kirk Wie d Sie Zwei kommen ohne mich aus Dr. McCoy Oh, wir haben es geschafft, Herr Spock gab die Befehle und ich fand die Antworten Capt Kirk Gut Dann, keine - keine Probleme zwischen Ihnen Herr Spock Keine wert Berichterstattung, Captain Capt Kirk Versuchen Sie mich Herr Spock Mmm, nur Solche kleineren Störungen, die unvermeidlich sind, wenn Menschen beteiligt sind Capt Kirk Welcher Mensch, Herr Spock Dr. McCoy Was er das bedeutet, dass, wenn Menschen mit Vulkanier, Jim. Capt Kirk gut, ich hoffe, meine letzten Aufträge waren hilfreich bei der Lösung von Problemen, die Sie don t fühlen sich wert Bericht Herr Spock Orders, Captain Dr. McCoy Welche Befehle beziehen Sie sich auf, Jim Capt Kirk M-meine letzten Befehle Die - die letzten Befehle, die ich für beide von Ihnen verlassen habe. Die letzten Taped-Befehle Dr. McCoy Oh, diese Befehle Nun, da, da war keine Zeit Wir hatten nie eine Chance, ihnen zuzuhören Herr Spock nein Sie sehen, die Krise war auf uns und ging dann so schnell, Captain, dass wir, Capt Kirk gut gut gut, ich hoffe, dass wir gewann t haben ähnliche Möglichkeiten, um diese Aufträge zu testen , Die du nie gehört hast. Leonard Bones McCoy Erlaubnis, frei zu sprechen, Sir Spock Ich begrüße es Leonard Bones McCoy Bist du in Ordnung, dann Bist du aus deinem vulkanischen Verstand, machst du eine logische Wahl und schickst Kirk weg, aber doch die richtige Du weißt, nach Hause, wir haben ein Sprichwort Wenn du in den Kentucky Der fahren willst Durch, Sie don t verlassen Sie Ihren Preis Hengst in der stabilen Spock Eine neugierige Metapher, Arzt, wie ein Hengst muss zuerst gebrochen werden, bevor es sein Potential erreichen kann Leonard Bones McCoy Mein Gott, Mann, konnte man zumindest ACT wie es war ein hartes Entscheidung Spock Ich beabsichtige, bei der Bemühung um die Wiederherstellung der Kommunikation mit Starfleet zu helfen. Doch wenn die Mannschaftsmoral besser von meinem Roaming in den wachenden Hallen bedient wird, werde ich gerne deinem medizinischen Fachwissen aufschieben. Entschuldigen Sie mich Leonard Bones McCoy als Spock verlässt grünblütige Hobgoblin. Leonard Bones McCoy Ich kann auf ya James T Kirk Ich denke, diese Dinge sind ziemlich sicher Leonard Bones McCoy Don t pander zu mir, Kind Ein winziger Riss in den Rumpf und unser Blut kocht in dreizehn Sekunden Solar Flare könnte auftauchen, kochen uns In unseren Sitzen und warten Sie sitzen Sie sauer mit einem Fall von andorianischen Schindeln, sehen Sie, wenn Sie noch so entspannt sind, wenn Ihre Augäpfel bluten Raum ist Krankheit und Gefahr in Dunkelheit und Schweigen gewickelt James T Kirk Nun, ich hasse es, dies zu brechen Yo Du, aber die Sternenflotte betreibt im Raum Leonard Bones McCoy Yeah Nun, ich habe nirgendwo anders zu gehen Die Ex-Frau nahm den ganzen verdammten Planeten in die Scheidung Alles, was ich noch übrig habe, ist meine Knochen. Flight Officer Sie brauchen einen Arzt Leonard Bones McCoy Ich sagte Sie Leute, die ich nicht brauchen einen Arzt, verdammt - ich bin ein Arzt Flight Officer Sie müssen zurück zu Ihrem Platz Leonard Bones McCoy Ich hatte eine Im Badezimmer ohne Fenster Flight Officer Sie müssen wieder in Ihrem Sitz, JETZT Leonard Bones McCoy Ich leide unter Aviophobie - es bedeutet Angst vor dem Sterben in etwas, das Flug Offizier Sir fliegt, für deine eigene Sicherheit, setz dich oder sonst lasse ich dich hinsetzen. Spock auf Gegensprechanlage Dr. Puri, Bericht Leonard Bones McCoy Es s McCoy Dr Puri war auf Deck 6 Er ist tot Spock Dann hast du gerade seine Verantwortung als Chief Medical Officer geerbt McCoy blickt auf einen brennenden medizinischen Raum voller Opfer aus dem Angriff Leonard Bones McCoy Yeah, erzähl mir etwas, was ich weiß. Security Officer McCoy ist Halb tragend ein Loopy Kirk nach Injektion ing him with a vaccine Kirk is scanned Kirk, James T He is not cleared for duty aboard the Enterprise Leonard Bones McCoy Medical code states The treatment and transport of a patient is to be determined at the discretion of his attending physician - which is me - so I m taking Mr Kirk aboard, or would you like to explain to Captain Pike why the Enterprise warped into a crisis without one of its senior medical officers Security Officer As you were Leonard Bones McCoy irritably As YOU were Leonard Bones McCoy to Kirk Come on He drags Kirk onto the ship. James T Kirk still suffering from the vaccine My mouth is itchy Is that normal Leonard Bones McCoy Well, those symptoms won t last long I m going to give you a mild sedative James T Kirk Oh, I wish I didn t know you Leonard Bones McCoy Don t be such an infant He jabs Kirk with a hypodermic needle James T Kirk OWW How long s it supposed to he suddenly collapses on the bed Leonard Bones McCoy Shaking his head Unbelievable. James T Kirk Bones, doesn t it bother you that no one s ever passed the test Leonard Bones McCoy Jim, it s the Kobayashi Maru NO one passes the test, and no one goes back for seconds, let alone thirds James T Kirk leaving I gotta study Leonard Bones McCoy Study, my ass. Lt Nyota Uhura During the Kobayashi Maru test We are receiving a distress signal from the U S S Kobayashi Maru The ship has lost power and is stranded Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them James T Kirk clearly enjoying himself Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them CAPTAIN Leonard Bones McCoy rolls his eyes Two Klingon vessels have entered the Neutral Zone and are locking weapons on us James T Kirk Smugly That s okay Leonard Bones McCoy That s okay James T Kirk Yeah, don t worry about it Test Administrator Did he say Don t worry about it Test Administrator Is he not taking the simulation seriously. Leonard Bones McCoy Three more Klingon warbirds decloaking and targeting our ship I don t suppose this is a problem either Si mulator Tactical Officer They re firing, Captain James T Kirk Alert Medical Bay to prepare to receive ALL crew members from the damaged ship Lt Nyota Uhura And how do you expect us to rescue them when we re surrounded by Klingons, Captain James T Kirk not taking anything or anyone seriously Alert Medical Leonard Bones McCoy Our ship s being hit Shields at sixty percent James T Kirk nonchalantly I understand Leonard Bones McCoy exasperated Well, should we - I dunno - fire back James T Kirk pulls an apple out of nowhere and starts munching No Leonard Bones McCoy Of COURSE not the entire simulation suddenly shuts down, then starts back up Test Administrator What is this What s going on James T Kirk Hm Arm photons Prepare to fire on the Klingon warbirds Simulator Tactical Officer Yessir Leonard Bones McCoy Jim, their shields are still up James T Kirk Are they Leonard Bones McCoy checks again No They re not James T Kirk Fire on all enemy ships One photon each should do Let s not waste ammun ition Leonard Bones McCoy Target locked and acquired on all warbirds Firing the simulation shows the birds being destroyed one by one Simulator Tactical Officer All ships destroyed, Captain James T Kirk Begin rescue of the stranded crew James T Kirk grandstanding his victory So We ve managed to eliminate all enemy ships, no one on board was injured AND the successful rescue of the Kobayashi Maru crew is underway takes a large bite out of his apple. Kirk Bolts out of bed suddenly from being sedated Lightning storm Leonard Bones McCoy Ah, Jim, you re awake How do you feel He looks down, suddenly growing alarmed Leonard Bones McCoy Good God, man Kirk What AH He yelps and raises his hands, which are now twice their normal size Kirk What the hell s this Leonard Bones McCoy A reaction to the vaccine, dammit Nurse Chapel, I need 50 cc s of cortizone Nurse Chapel Yes, sir He starts scanning Kirk while Kirk replays Chekov s message Pavel Chekov on the computer appeared to be a lightning storm in space Kirk Bones We gotta stop the ship He takes off running down the hall Leonard Bones McCoy running after him Jim I m not kidding, you need to keep your heart rate down he fumbles through a first aid kit while Jim accesses another computer console Kirk Computer, locate crew member Uhura Leonard Bones McCoy You know, I haven t seen a reaction this bad since med school Kirk We re flying into a trap He starts running again Leonard Bones McCoy Dammit, Jim, stand still injects him yet again Kirk yelps in pain OW STOP THAT he runs through the engine room, looking for Uhura. Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country 1991. after Kirk and Martia kiss passionately McCoy What IS it with you, anyway Kirk Still think we re finished McCoy Now, more than ever. the crew enter the bridge Kirk Once again, we ve saved civilization as we know it McCoy And the good news is they re not going to prosecute Uhuru They might as well have prosecuted me I felt like Lt Valeris McCoy looks at Spock Well, they don t prosecute people for having feelings Chekov Just as well, or we ll all have to turn ourselves in. Captain James T Kirk I m going to sleep this off Please let me know if there s some other way we can screw up tonight Commander Leonard Bones McCoy, M D I m gonna find myself a pot of black coffee. General Chang prosecuting Dr McCoy, would you be so good as to tell me What is your current medical status Commander Leonard Bones McCoy, M D Well, aside from a touch of arthritis, I d say pretty good some scattered laughter from the audience McCoy smiles, but sees Chang, unsmiling General Chang unamused You have a singular wit, Doctor. Captain James T Kirk Bones, I m wearing a veridium patch on my back Spock slapped it there just before we went on Gorkon s ship Commander Leonard Bones McCoy, M D Why, that cunning little Vulcan. Kirk What are we all doing here McCoy Maybe they re throwing us a retirement party Scotty That suits me I just bought a boat Uhuru This had better be good I m supposed to be chairing a seminar at the Academy Chekov Captain, isn t this just for top brass McCoy If we re all here, where s Sulu Kirk Captain Sulu, on assignment Where s Spock. Captain James T Kirk Spock has beamed Kirk and Bones aboard just before they find out who framed them No No Of all the - son of a - Couldn t you have waited two seconds They were just about to tell us the whole thing Commander Pavel Andreievich Chekov You want to go back Commander Leonard Bones McCoy, M D Absolutely not Captain James T Kirk whispering It s cold. Spock and McCoy are heading for the Torpedo bay Commander Leonard Bones McCoy, M D Bet you wished you d stood in bed. Captain James T Kirk Valeris has just engaged thrusters to take Enterprise out of Spacedock Thank you Lieutenant, ahead one quarter impulse power Lieutenant Valeris spins in chair to face Kirk Captain, may I remind you that regulations specify thrusters only whilst in spacedock Commander Leonard Bones McCoy, M D the bridge crew cough loudly, Chekov shakes his head, Uhura tuts softly McCoy leans in to tease Spock Jim Captain James T Kirk You heard the order, Lieutenant Lieutenant Valeris Aye, sir. Star Trek III The Search for Spock 1984.Kirk How are we doing McCoy How are we doing Funny you should put it quite that way, Jim We are doing fine But I d feel safer giving him one of my kidneys than what s scrambled in my brain. Kirk Scotty, you re as good as your word Scotty Aye, sir The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain giving McCoy a handf ul of computer chips Scotty Here, Doctor, souvenirs from one surgeon to another I took them out of her main transwarp computer drive McCoy Nice of you to tell me in advance Kirk That s what you get for missing staff meetings, Doctor Gentlemen, your work today has been outstanding and I intend to recommend you all for promotion in whatever fleet we end up serving. Kirk You re suffering from a Vulcan mind-meld, doctor McCoy That green-blooded son of a bitch It s his revenge for all the arguments he lost. Alien To your planet, welcome McCoy I think that s my line, stranger Alien Oh, forgive I here am new But you are known, being McCoy from Enterprise McCoy You have me at a disadvantage, sir Alien Oh, I name not important You seek I Message received Available ship stands by McCoy How much and how soon Alien How soon is now How much is, where McCoy Somewhere in the Mutara sector Alien Oh, Mutara restricted Take permits many money more McCoy There aren t gonna be any damned permits How can you get a permit to do a damned illegal thing Look, price you name, money I got Alien Place you name, money I name, otherwise bargain, no McCoy Alright, damn it It s Genesis The name of the place we re going is GENESIS Alien Genesis McCoy Yes, Genesis How can you be deaf with ears like that Alien Genesis allowed is not Is planet forbidden. Kirk Scan for vessels in pursuit McCoy in Spock s voice and manner Scanning Indications negative at this time everyone stares at him McCoy as himself Did I get it right Kirk Great, Bones Just great. Kirk showing the Vulcan salute How many fingers do I have up McCoy That s not very damn funny Kirk You re sense of humor s returned McCoy The hell it has. Kirk finds McCoy in Spock s quarters McCoy Jim help me You left me on Genesis why did you do that Help me Kirk Bones What the hell are you doing Have you lost your mind McCoy Help me, Jim Take me home Kirk Home is where we are We are home McCoy Then perhaps it s not too late Climb the steps, Jim Climb the steps of Mount Seleyah Kirk Mount Seleyah Bones, Mount Seleyah s on Vulcan We re home On Earth McCoy Remember. Mr Adventure Look at you You re a twenty-year space veteran, yet you pick the worst duty station in town I mean, look at this place This is the hind end of space Uhura Peace and quiet appeals to me, Lieutenant Mr Adventure Well, maybe that s okay for someone like you, whose career is winding down But me, I need some excitement, some adventure maybe even just a surprise or two Uhura Well, you know what they say, Lieutenant Be careful what you wish for You might get it Kirk, McCoy and Sulu enter the transporter room Kirk Uhura, is everything ready Uhura Step into my parlor, gent lemen Mr Adventure That s Admiral Kirk, my God Uhura Very good for you, Lieutenant Mr Adventure But it s damned irregular No destination points, no encoded ID s Uhura All true Mr Adventure So what are we gonna do about it Uhura I m not gonna do anything about it You re gonna sit in the closet Mr Adventure The closet Have you lost your sense of reality Uhura This isn t reality Turns a phaser on him Uhura This is fantasy You wanted adventure, how s this The old adrenaline going, huh Good boy Now get in the closet Mr Adventure All right Uhura Go on Mr Adventure I ll just get in the closet All right Damn Falls into the closet and shuts the door McCoy I m glad you re on our side Kirk Pointing to the closet Are you sure you can handle Uhura Oh, I ll have Mr Adventure eating out of my hand, sir And I ll see all of you at the rendezvous. Witnessing the destruction of the Enterprise Kirk My God, Bones what have I done McCoy What you had to do, what you always do Turn death into a fighting chance to live. Sulu One minute to space doors McCoy Are you just gonna walk through them Kirk Calm yourself, Doctor. the Enterprise faces off against a cloaked Klingon Bird-of-Prey Kirk If my guess is right, she ll have to decloak before she can fire McCoy May all your guesses be right. McCoy Rapid aging All genetic functions highly accelerated Kirk What about his mind McCoy His mind is a void It seems, Admiral, that I ve got all his marbles Kirk Is there anything we can do Saavik Only one thing, sir Get him off this planet His aging is part of what s going on around us. McCoy is informed of the danger of the transfusion McCoy I choose the danger Kirk glances at McCoy McCoy mutters to Kirk Hell of a time to ask. McCoy to an unconscious Spock I m gonna tell you something that I never thought I d ever hear myself say But it seems I ve missed you And I don t know if I could stand to lose you again. Vulcan High Priestess Sarek Child of S kon, child of So kar The body of your son breathes still What is your wish Sarek I ask for fal tor pan the refusion Vulcan High Priestess What you seek has not been done in ages past and then, only in legend Your request is not logical Sarek Forgive me, T layr My logic is uncertain where my son is concerned Vulcan High Priestess Who is the keeper of the katra McCoy I am McCoy, Leonard H, son of David Vulcan High Priestess McCoy, son of David, since thou art human, we cannot expect thee to fully comprehend what Sarek has requested Spock s body lives with your approval, we shall use all our powers to return to his body that wh ich you possess Vulcan High Priestess But McCoy, you must now be warned The danger to thyself is as grave as the danger to Spock You must make the choice McCoy I choose the danger Hell of a time to ask. Kirk Unit two, this is unit one The Kobayashi Maru has set sail for the promised land Acknowledge Chekov on communicator Message acknowledged All units will be informed McCoy You re taking me to the promised land Kirk What are friends for. from trailer Spock Captain, I cannot allow you to do this Bones Jim, you re not actually going after this guy, are you James T Kirk I have no idea what I m supposed to do I only know what I can do. James T Kirk If Spock were here, and I were there, what would he do Bones He d let you die. Bones You were barely dead, it was the transfusion that really took its toll You were in a coma for two weeks James T Kirk Transfusion Bones Your cells were heavily irradiated We had no choice James T Kirk Khan Bones We synthesized a serum from his super blood Tell me, are you feeling homicidal, power-mad, despotic James T Kirk No more than usual. Sulu Attention John Harrison This is Captain Hikaru Sulu of the USS Enterprise A shuttle of highly trained officers is on its way to your location If you do not surrender to them immediately, I will unleash the entire payload of advanced long-range torpedoes currently locked on to your location You have two minutes to confirm your compliance Refusal to do so wi ll result in your obliteration And If you test me, you will fail Bones Mr Sulu, remind me never to piss you off. Bones Five years in space, God help me. Bones Damn it, man, I m a doctor, not a torpedo technician Spock The fact that your are a doctor is precisely why I need you to listen very carefully. Bones You don t rob a bank when your getaway car has a flat tire. first lines Bones Damn it, man That was our ride You just stunned our ride James T Kirk Oh, great. Bones to Kirk Are you out of your cornfed mind. Bones Don t agree with me, Spock, it makes me very uncomfortable Spock Perhaps, you too should learn to govern your emotions, Doctor. Bones Why the hell did he surrender James T Kirk I don t know But he just took out a squad of Klingons single-handedly I want to know how Bones Sounds like we have a superman on board James T Kirk You tell me. Bones Jim, you just sat that man down at a high-stakes poker game with no cards and told him to bluff Now, Sulu s a good man, but he s no captain James T Kirk For the next two hours, he is And enough with the metaphors, all right That s an order. James T Kirk over the comm Bones, thanks for helping out Dr Marcus asked for the steadiest hands on the ship Bones disgruntled with his dangerous mission and aware of Kirk s attraction to Dr Marcus You know, when I dreamed about being stuck on a deserted planet with a gorgeous woman, there was no torpedo James T Kirk Dr McCoy, may I remind you that you re not there to flirt Bones So how can these legendary hands help you, Dr Marcus James T Kirk Bones. Bones to Carol Sweetheart, I once performed an emergency C-section on a pregnant Gorn Octuplets, and let me tell you, those little bastards bite I think I can work some magic on your missile. Scotty No I m not signing anything Now get these bloody things off my ship sees Kirk Scotty Captain James T Kirk Is there a problem, Mr Scott Scotty Aye, sir I was just explaining to this gentlemen that I cannae authorize any weapons on board this ship without knowing what s inside them Spock Mr Scott raises yet another point that le James T Kirk Report to the bridge Spock Captain leaves the engineering room James T Kirk Mr Scott, I understand your concerns but we need these torpedoes on board Scotty Due respect, sir, but photo torpedoes run on fuel, now I cannae detect the type of fuel that s in the compartments on these torpedoes because it s shielded Now I asked for the specifications but he says gestures to Torpedo Security Torpedo Security It s classified Scotty repeating exasperatedly It s classified So I said no specs, no signature Sulu from deck above Captain, flight checks complete, we re good to go, sir James T Kirk Thank you, Mr Sulu Sulu Yes, sir Scotty Now if you ll excuse me, sir, I have a warp core to prime walks away Scotty to Keenser Get down Bones Jim, your vitals are way off James T Kirk Report to the medbay follows Scotty to the warp core James T Kirk Scotty I need you to approve those weapons. Star Trek IV The Voyage Home 1986.Kirk Out of the way Shore Patrolman Sorry, Doctor, I have strict orders Dr Gillian Taylor Gillian moans in pain McCoy My God, man Do you want an acute case on your hands This woman has immediate postprandial, upper-abdominal distention Now, out of the way Get out of the way They enter the operating room Kirk What did you say she has McCoy Cramps. McCoy I mean, I may have carried your soul, but I sure couldn t fill your shoes Spock My shoes McCoy Forget it. McCoy McCoy, masked and in surgical garb, passes an elderly woman groaning on a gurney in the hallway What s the matter with you Elderly patient weakly Kidney pause Elderly patient dialysis McCoy geniunely surprised Dialysis musing to himself McCoy What is this, the Dark Ages He turns back to the patient and hands her a large white pill McCoy Here, pause McCoy you swallow that, and if you have any more problems, just call me He pats her cheek and leaves. McCoy My God, man Drilling holes in his head isn t the answer Now put away your butcher knives and let me save this patient before it s too late. Kirk Mr Spock, have you accounted for the variable mass of whales and water in your time re-entry program Spock Mr Scott cannot give me exact figures, Admiral, so I will make a guess Kirk A guess You, Spock That s extraordinary Spock to Dr McCoy I don t think he understands McCoy No, Spock H e means that he feels safer about your guesses than most other people s facts Spock Then you re saying pause Spock It is a compliment McCoy It is Spock Ah Then, I will try to make the best guess I can McCoy Please do. McCoy You, ah, realize of course that if we give him the formula we re altering the future Scotty Why How do we know he didn t invent the thing. McCoy Dr McCoy is talking about Mr Spock McCoy I don t know if you ve got the whole picture, but he s not exactly working on all thrusters. McCoy You re going to try time traveling in this rustbucket Kirk Well, we ve done it before McCoy Sure, you slingshot around the Sun, pick up enough speed - You re in time warp If you don t, you re fried Kirk I prefer it to nothing McCoy I prefer a dose of common sense You re proposing that we go backwards in time, find humpback whales, then bring them foward in time, drop em off, and hope to Hell they tell this probe what to do with itself Kirk That s the general idea McCoy Well, that s crazy K irk You ve got a better idea pause Kirk Now s the time. McCoy Perhaps, we could cover a little philosophical ground Life pause McCoy Death pause McCoy Life pause McCoy Things of that nature Spock I did not have time on Vulcan to review the philosophical disciplines McCoy C mon, Spock, it s me, McCoy You really have gone where no man s gone before Can t you tell me what it felt like Spock It would be impossible to discuss the subject without a common frame-of-reference McCoy You re joking Spock A joke pause Spock is a story with a humorous climax McCoy You mean I have to die to discuss your insights on death Spock Forgive me, Doctor I am receiving a number of distress calls McCoy I don t doubt it. McCoy probing Chekov s head Tearing of the middle meningeal artery Doctor 1 What s your degree in, dentistry McCoy How do YOU explain slowing pulse, low respiratory rate and coma Doctor 1 Fundascopic examination McCoy Fundascopic examination is unrevealing in these cases Doctor 1 A simple evacua tion of the epidural hematoma will relieve the pressure McCoy My God man, drilling holes in his head is not the answer The artery must be repaired Now, put away your butcher s knives and let me save this patient before it s too late. McCoy You sure this is such a bright idea Kirk What do you mean McCoy referring to Spock I mean him Back at his post like nothing happened I don t know if you got the whole picture or not, but he s not quite operating on all thrusters Kirk It ll come back to him McCoy Are you sure Kirk doesn t answer McCoy That s what I thought. Kirk is pacing back and forth, considering a below-decks room in the Klingon ship for possible whale transport Kirk Scotty, how long is this bay Scotty About sixty feet, Admiral Kirk Can you enclose it to hold water Scotty laughs I suppose I could You planning to take a swim McCoy sourly Off the deep end, Mr Scott Kirk We got to find some humpbacks Scotty Humpbacked people Kirk Whales, Mr Scott, whales. Spock Ready to engage computer, Admiral Kirk What s our target in time Spock Late twentieth century Kirk Can you be more specific Spock Not with this equipment I ve had to program some of the variables from memory Kirk What are some of the variables Spock The availability of fuel components, mass of the vessel through a time continuum, and probable location of humpback whales - in this case, the Pacific Basin Kirk And you programmed all that from memory Spock I have McCoy Angels and ministers of grace, defend us Spock recognizing the quote Hamlet, Act One, Scene Four Kirk smiling No doub t about your memory, Spock Engage computers Prepare for warp speed. McCoy So, this is the probe s way of saying, hello to the people of Earth Spock looking annoyed There are other species on earth Only human arrogance would assume the signal must be meant for mankind. Star Trek Spock s Brain 3 1 1968. Kirk, McCoy and Scotty are in an elevator that descends abruptly Dr McCoy Call Chekov and tell him to send my stomach down. Kara Brain and brain What is BRAIN It is Controller, is it not Dr McCoy Yes Yes, in a way, it is The human brain controls the individual s functions Captain James T Kirk with dawning realization Bones Scotty Spock s brain controls. Dr McCoy I ll never live this down - this Vulcan is telling ME how to operate. Dr McCoy His body lives, the autonomic functions continue But there is no mind. Dr McCoy Vulcan physiology limits what I can do Spock s body is much more dependent on that tremendous brain for life support Captain James T Kirk Then we ll have to take him with us Dr Mc Coy Take him take him where Captain James T Kirk In search of his brain, Doctor. Dr McCoy Where are you going to look for Spock s brain How re you gonna find it Captain James T Kirk I ll find it Dr McCoy Even if you do, I can t restore it I don t have the medical technique Captain James T Kirk It was taken out It can be put back in Dr McCoy But I don t know how Captain James T Kirk The thief that took it has the knowledge I ll FORCE it out of her. Scott Pain and delight , he said up above Dr McCoy I m sure you noticed the delight - aspect of this place Captain James T Kirk Yes, I certainly did notice those delightful aspects. Captain James T Kirk This fellow is keeping us from our property Scott Well, isn t there a way to correct that situation Captain James T Kirk I certainly think that science might provide an answer Dr McCoy It does, Captain Captain James T Kirk Agreed, Doctor they take on the guards in a surprise attack. Dr McCoy after acquiring knowledge from the Teacher Of course Of c ourse A child could do it A child could do it. Dr McCoy I m trying to thread a needle with a sledgehammer. Mr Spock voice I seem to have a body which stretches into infinity Scott Body Why, ya have NONE Mr Spock Then, what am I Dr McCoy You are a disembodied brain Mr Spock Fascinating It could explain much, Doctor My medulla oblongata is hard at work apparently breathing, apparently pumping blood, apparently maintaining a normal physiologic temperature. Luma You are not Eymorg, you are not Morg What are you Dr McCoy Jim - it s no use You ll get nothing out of that one Hers is the mind of a child. last lines McCoy has restored Spock s brain Captain James T Kirk How do you feel, Spock Mr Spock On the whole, Captain, I believe I am quite fit It s fascinating A remarkable example of a retrograde civilization At the peak, advanced beyond any of our capabilities, and now operating at this primitive level which you saw And it all began thousands of years ago, when a glacial age reoccurred You see, this underground complex was developed for the women The men remained above, and a male-female schism took place A fascinating cultural development of a kind which has Dr McCoy I knew it was wrong I shouldn t have done it Captain James T Kirk What s that Dr McCoy I should have never reconnected his mouth Captain James T Kirk Well, we took the risk, Doctor Mr Spock unfazed by the interruption As I was saying, a fascinating cultural development of the kind which hasn t been seen in ages The last such occurrence took place on old Earth, when the Romans were warring. Star Trek The Ultimate Comput er 2 24 1968.Dr McCoy Did you see the love light in Spock s eyes The right computer finally came along. Dr McCoy I don t like it, Jim A vessel this size cannot be run by one computer Mr Spock We re attempting to prove that it can run this ship more efficiently than man Dr McCoy Maybe you re trying to prove that, Spock but don t count me in on it Mr Spock The most unfortunate lack in current computer programming is that there is nothing available to immediately replace the starship surgeon. Captain James T Kirk What are you doing here, Bones Dr McCoy Well, all the sickbay systems are shut down until such time as the M-5 is informed there are patients to be cared for. Dr McCoy Fantastic machine, the M-5 no off-switch. Captain James T Kirk I think that thing is wrong, and I don t know why Dr McCoy Well, I think it s wrong, too, replacing men with mindless machines Captain James T Kirk touches back of neck No, no, no, I don t mean that I m getting a red alert right here That thing is dangerous. Wesley after M-5 s first successful battle drill Our compliments to the M-5 unit And regards to Captain Dunsel Wesley out Dr McCoy Dunsel Who the blazes is Captain Dunsel What does it mean, Jim Kirk slowly leaves the bridge without another word or looking anyone in the eye Dr McCoy Spock What does it mean Mr Spock Dunsel , Doctor, is a term used by midshipmen at Starfleet Academy It refers to a part which serves no useful purpose. Mr Spock referring to Dr Daystrom Most illogical Of all people, he should have known how the computer would perform Of course, the M-5 itself has not behaved logically Dr McCoy Please, Spock, do me a favor, and don t say it s fascinating Mr Spock No But it is interesting. Captain James T Kirk Am I afraid of losing command to a computer Daystrom was right I can do a lot of other things Am I afraid of losing the prestige and the power that goes with being a starship captain Is that why I m fighting it Am I that petty Dr McCoy Jim, if you have the awareness to as k yourself that question, you don t need me to answer it for you Why don t you ask James T Kirk He s a pretty honest guy. Captain James T Kirk about Dr Daystrom At the age of twenty-four, he made the duotronic breakthrough that won him the Nobel and Zee-Magnees prizes Dr McCoy In his early twenties, Jim That s over a quarter of a century ago Captain James T Kirk Isn t that enough for one lifetime Dr McCoy Maybe that s the trouble Where do you go from up You publish articles, you give lectures, then you spend the rest of your life trying to recapture past glory Captain James T Kirk All right, it s difficult What s your point Dr McCoy The M-1 through M-4, remember Not entirely successful That s the way Daystrom put it Captain James T Kirk But a genius doesn t work on an assembly line basis Did Einstein, Kazanga, or or Sitar of Vulcan produce new and revolutionary theories on a regular schedule You can t simply say, Today I will be brilliant No matter how long it took, he came out with mul titronics - The M-5 Dr McCoy Right The government bought it, then Daystrom had to make it work and he did But according to Spock, it works illogically Captain James T Kirk And he won t let Spock near it What re you saying - that he s tampering with it, that he s making it act that way Why Dr McCoy Jim, if a man had a child who d gone antisocial - killed, perhaps - he d still tend to protect that child Captain James T Kirk Now he s got you talking about that machine like a personality Dr McCoy I m afraid that s the way he thinks about it. Captain James T Kirk Do you know the one, All I ask is a tall ship Dr McCoy It s a line from a poem A very old poem, isn t it Captain James T Kirk 20th-century Earth All I ask is a tall ship, and a star to steer her by You you could feel the wind at your back in those days The sounds of the sea beneath you And even if you take away the wind and the water, it s still the same The ship is yours You can feel her And the stars are still there, Bones. Uhura S ir, sensors are picking up four Federation starships M-5 is altering course to intercept Captain James T Kirk The main attack force The war games Dr McCoy But M-5 doesn t know it s a game Captain James T Kirk Correction, Bones Those four ships don t know it s M-5 s game And M-5 is going to destroy them. Dr McCoy Compassion That s the one thing no machine ever had Maybe it s the one thing that keeps men ahead of them Care to debate that, Spock Mr Spock No, Doctor I simply maintain that computers are more efficient than human beings, not better Dr McCoy But tell me - which do you prefer to have around Mr Spock I presume your question is meant to offer me a choice between machines and human beings and I believe I have already answered that question Dr McCoy I was just trying to make conversation, Spock Mr Spock It would be most interesting to impress your memory engrams on a computer, Doctor The resulting torrential flood of illogic would be most entertaining. Captain James T Kirk You know, I have I have never felt this way before - at odds with the ship I sat there and watched my ship perform for a mass of circuits and relays, and felt useless Unneeded To Captain Dunsel Dr McCoy To James T Kirk, Captain of the Enterprise. Mr Spock Of course, the M-5 itself has not behaved logically Dr McCoy Please Spock do me a favor and don t say it s fascinating Mr Spock No, but it is interesting. Star Trek Spectre of the Gun 3 6 1968.McCoy Mr Spock, why don t you join us common humanoids in trying to find a way out of here and quit explaining why we can t get out of here. Morgan Earp has shot a man Spock Is this a dead man, Doctor McCoy Very dead, Mr Spock Capt Kirk That s one thing we can be sure of here Death is real. Capt Kirk as McCoy wipes Kirk s split lip with bourbon Ouch McCoy What s the matter Capt Kirk What do you call that stuff Fire McCoy reading the label Taos Lightning, straight bourbon Try some In small amounts, it was considered medicinal Capt Kirk Well, label it For external use only. McCoy appraising his gun In the midst of what seems so unreal, the harsh reality This is not a dream. McCoy Spock will have no truck with grief, Scotty It s human. Spock finishing in the construction of a gas grenade These crude supplies we were forced to use worked quite well McCoy I doubt that this combination of things was ever used for any purpose quite like this Spock Perhaps they would ve been if they d had your ingenuity, Doctor. Scott If we only had a phaser McCoy Or a communicator It d be a pleasure to watch those Earps as we beamed back to the ship at exactly 4 59 30. Chekov has been shot dead Spock Gentlemen, there is one thing which requires the immediate attention of all of us Specifically, our future Capt Kirk But not this minute, Spock It takes us a little longer Spock I understand the feeling, Captain McCoy You talk about another man s feelings What do you feel, Spock Spock My feelings are not subject for discussion, Doctor McCoy Because there are no feelings to discuss. Kirk and his landing party find themselves in a strange environment Spock Obviously, this represents the Melkotian s concept of an American frontier town, circa 1880 McCoy It s just bits and pieces It s incomplete Spock Perhaps the Melkotians have insufficient data about this era Capt Kirk Or perhaps this is all they require to complete the pattern of our death. Spock It did not function But it must function McCoy Nothing could go wrong, Captain It should work Spock A scientific fact But if the tranquillizer does not function, which is clearly impossible, then a radical alteration of our thought patterns must be in order. Spock Doctor, in your opinion, what killed Mr Chekov McCoy A piece of lead in his body Spock Wrong His mind killed him McCoy Well, come on, Spock If you ve got the answer, tell us Spock Physical reality is consistent with universal laws Where the laws do not operate, there is no reality All of this is unreal McCoy What do you mean, unreal I examined Chekov He s dead Spo ck But you made your examination under conditions which we cannot trust We judge reality by the response of our senses Once we are convinced of the reality of a given situation, we abide by its rules We judge the bullets to be solid, the guns to be real Therefore they can kill. Spock mind-melding with McCoy The bullets are unreal Without body They are illusions only Shadows without substance They will not pass through your body, for they do not exist McCoy in a trance They do not exist Spock mind-melding with Kirk Unreal Appearances only They are shadows Illusions Nothing but ghosts of reality They are lies Falsehoods Specters without body They are to be ignored. last lines Spock This afternoon, you wanted to kill Didn t you McCoy But he didn t kill, Mr Spock Spock But he wanted to, Doctor Capt Kirk Is that the way it seemed to you, Mr Spock Spock Yes, Captain Capt Kirk Mr Spock - you re absolutely right That s exactly the way it was Spock Mankind - ready to kill Capt Kirk That s the way it was in 1881 Spock I wonder how Humanity managed to survive Capt Kirk We overcame our instinct for violence. Spock Fear of death is illogical Bones Fear of death is what keeps us alive. Captain James T Kirk My dad joined Starfleet because he believed in it I joined on a dare Doctor Bones McCoy You joined to see if you could live up to him. Doctor Bones McCoy to Kirk You spent all this time trying to be your father, and now you re wondering just what it means to be you. Doctor Bones McCoy after removing shrapnel from Spock Yeah, they say it hurts less if it s a surprise Commander Spock If I may adopt a parlance with which you are familiar, I can confirm that theor y to be horseshit. Bones hears song Sabotage blaring Is that classical music I m hearing Spock Yes, doctor, I believe it is. Spock Leaving me behind will significantly increase your chances of survival, Doctor Bones Well that s damn chivalrous of you, but completely out of the question Spock It is imperative that you locate any surviving crew Bones Here I was thinking you cared Three of Krall s drone ships approach Spock Of course I care, Leonard I always assumed my respect for you was clear The dialogue we have had across the years has always Bones It s okay, Spock You don t have to say it Spock and Bones are surrounded by the drones Bones Well, at least I won t die alone Spock is beamed away from behind Bones Bones Well that s just typical. Spock Lt Uhura wears a Vokaya amulet which I presented to her as a token of my affection and respect Bones You gave your girlfriend a radioactive jewelry Spock The emissions is harmless, Doctor But its unique signature makes it very easy to identify Bones You gave your girlfriend a tracking device Spock realizing That was not my intentionmander Spock It is unwise to trivialize that which one simply does not understand, Doctor Doctor Bones McCoy I think you just managed to insult me twice, Spock. Uhura walks away and Bones walks up to Spock Doctor Bones McCoy You guys break up What d you do Commander Spock A typically reductive inquiry, Doctor Doctor Bones McCoy You know Spock, when an Earth girl says, it s me not you , it s definitely you. Star Trek Bread and Circuses 2 25 1968. Kirk, Spock and McCoy are on an Earth-like planet Spock Fascinating This atmosphere is remarkably similar to your twentieth century Moderately industrialized pollution, containing substantial amounts of carbon monoxide, and partially consumed hydrocarbons Dr McCoy The word was smog Spock Yes, I believe that was the term I had no idea you were that much of a historian, Doctor Dr McCoy I am not, Mister Spock I was simply trying to stop you from giving us a whole lecture on the subject. Dr McCoy Odd that these people should worship the sun Spock Why, Doctor Dr McCoy Because, my dear Mister Spock, it is illogical Rome had no sun worshipers Why should they parallel Rome in every way except one. Mr Spock Even m ore fascinating Slavery evolving into an institution, with guaranteed medical payments, old-age pensions Dr McCoy Quite logical, I d say, Mister Spock Just as it s logical that, uh 20th-century Rome would use television to show its gladiator contest, or name a new car the Jupiter VIII Mr Spock Doctor, if I were able to show emotion, your new infatuation with that term would begin to annoy me Dr McCoy What term Logic Medical men are trained in logic, Mr Spock Mr Spock Really, Doctor I had no idea they were trained Watching you, I assumed it was trial and error. Spock I find the checks and balances of this civilization quite illuminating Dr McCoy Next he ll be telling us he prefers it over Earth history Spock They do seem to have escaped the carnage of your first three world wars, Doctor Dr McCoy They have slavery, gladiatorial games, despotism Spock Situations quite familiar to the six million who died in your first world war, the eleven million who died in your second, the thirty-seven million who died in your third Shall I go on Claudius Marcus Interesting. Spock and Dr McCoy are locked in a prison cell Dr McCoy Spock, er I know we ve, er, had our disagreements Er, maybe they re jokes, I don t know as Jim says, we re not often sure ourselves sometimes But, er what I m trying to say is Spock Doctor, I am seeking a means of escape Will you please be brief Dr McCoy Well, what I m trying to say is, you saved my life in the arena Spock Yes, that s quite true Dr McCoy indignantly I m trying to thank you, you pointed-eared hobgoblin Spock Oh, yes, you Humans have that emotional need to express gratitude You re welcome , I believe, is the correct response. Dr McCoy You know why you re not afraid to die, Spock You re more afraid of living Each day you stay alive is just one more day you might slip, and let your Human half peek out That s it, isn t it Insecurity Why, you wouldn t know what to do with a genuine, warm, decent feeling Spock Really, Doctor Dr McCoy after a pause I know I m worried about Jim, too. Dr McCoy Once, just once, I d like to be able to land someplace and say Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel Spock I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor Dr McCoy Naturally You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mr Spock But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork. Dr McCoy upon being released from their cell by Kirk What happened, Jim Spock What did they do to you, Captain Capt Kirk reflecting on his night with the slave Drusilla They threw me a few curves. Claudius Marcus Now, Captain, what are you going to order your men to do Capt Kirk If I brought down a hundred of them armed with phasers Claudius Marcus you could probably defeat the combined armies of our entire empire - and violate your oath regarding non-interference with other societies I believe you all swear you ll die, before you d violate that directive Am I right Spock Quite correct Dr McCoy Must you always be so blasted honest. Spock and McCoy are each fighting a Roman in the arena Spock You need any help, Doctor Dr McCoy Whatever gave you that idea Achilles Fight, you pointed-ear freak Dr McCoy You tell him, buster Of all the completely ridiculous illogical questions I ever heard in my life. last lines Spock referring to Flavius I wish we could ve examined that belief of his more closely It seems illogical for a sun worshiper to develop a philosophy of total brotherhood Sun worship is usually a primitive superstition religion Uhura I m afraid you have it all wrong, Mister Spock, all of you I ve been monitoring some of their old-style radio waves, the empire spokesman trying to ridicule their religion But he couldn t Don t you understand It s not the sun up in the sky It s the Son of God Capt Kirk Caesar - and Christ They had them both And the word is spreading only now Dr McCoy A philosophy of total love and total brotherhood Spock It will replace their imperial Rome but it will happen in their twentieth century Capt Kirk Wouldn t it be something to watch, to be a part of To see it happen all over again Mister Chekov, take us out of orbit Ahead warp factor one Chekov Aye, sir. Star Trek Friday s Child 2 11 1967. helping a pregnant woman up a steep hill McCoy Look I m a doct or, not an escalator Spock, gimme a hand. McCoy speaking of Eleen Representing the High Tier, Leonard James Akaar Spock The child was named Leonard James Akaar McCoy Has a kind of a ring to it, don t you think, James Captain James T Kirk Yes, I think it s a name destined to go down in galactic history, Leonard What do you think, Spock Spock I think you re both gonna be insufferably pleased with yourselves for at least a month sir. Captain James T Kirk First of all, I must protest the killing of one of my crewmen Akaar If it was your man, was it not his privilege to die for you I do not understand Maab Their customs are different, Tier Kras And different from those of my people, too, Tier The sight of death frightens them McCoy quietly Let me take this, Jim McCoy to Akaar What Maab has said is true Our customs ARE different What the Klingon has said is unimportant and we do not hear his words Capellans chuckle appreciatively McCoy whispering privately to Kirk I just called the Klingon a l iar. McCoy holding his hand on Eleens throat Answer me Do you want my help she nods McCoy All right Say to yourself The child is mine The child is mine It is MINE Eleen Yes It s yours McCoy No, no, you ve got it all wrong. McCoy Does Maab know that the Klingons are our sworn enemies, by their own words Maab We understand only that he also offers things of value for our rocks, that he has freely handed us his weapons and other devices Will you do the same Captain James T Kirk Let me call my ship to inform them Kras to bring down an attack upon their village It is as I told you, Maab Earthmen fear to bargain honestly. Captain James T Kirk Perhaps you ll explain to me why one of my men is dead McCoy Cause he was drawing a weapon on another of their guests. a young Capellan woman offers Captain Kirk a piece of fruit McCoy alarmed JIM You touch it, her nearest male relative will have to try to kill you They re offering you a chance for combat They consider it more pleasurable than love. McCoy Captain, I m gonna fix that woman s arm They can only kill me once for touching her. McCoy The last thing I ll want around is a ham-handed ship s captain. Star Trek The Immunity Syndrome 2 18 1968.Mr Spock Kirk has chosen Spock over McCoy for the mission We re wasting time The shuttlecraft is ready Dr McCoy You re determined not to let me share in this, aren t you Mr Spock This is not a competition, Doctor Whether you understand it or not, grant me my own kind of dignity Dr McCoy Vulcan dignity How can I grant you what I don t understand Mr Spock Then employ one of your own superstitions - Wish me luck Spock walks into the shuttlecraft bay and climbs aboard the shuttlecraft The bay door closes Dr McCoy quietly Good luck, Spock. Mr Spock Kirk has ordered a tractor beam placed on the shuttlecraft Captain, I recommend you abandon the attempt Do not risk the ship further on my behalf Dr McCoy Shut up, Spock, we re rescuing you Mr Spock Why, thank you, Captain McCoy. Dr McCoy Spock, how can you be so sure the Intrepid was destroyed Mr Spock I sensed it die Dr McCoy But I thought you had to be in physical contact with a subject before Mr Spock Doctor, even I, a half-Vulcan, could hear the death scream of four hundred Vulcan minds crying out over the distance between us Dr McCoy Not even a Vulcan could feel a starship die Mr Spock Call it a deep understanding of the way things happen to Vulcans, but I know that not a person, not even the computers on board the Intrepid, knew what was killing them or would have understood it had they known Dr McCoy But, 400 Vulcans Mr Spock I ve noticed that about your people, Doctor You find it easier to understand the death of one than the death of a million You speak about the objective hardness of the Vulca n heart, yet how little room there seems to be in yours Dr McCoy Suffer the death of thy neighbour, eh, Spock Now, you wouldn t wish that on us, would you Mr Spock It might have rendered your history a bit less bloody. Christine Chapel Doctor, they seem to be stabilizing Dr McCoy But at a dangerously low level Well, we re still alive I suppose that s something. Spock in shuttlecraft Oh, and Dr McCoy, you would not have survived it Dr McCoy on bridge of the Enterprise You wanna bet. Capt Kirk What is that thing out there, Bones It s not intelligent, not yet Dr McCoy It s a disease, like a virus invading the body of our galaxy Capt Kirk Yes, it is, isn t it How many cells does a human body have Dr McCoy Millions Capt Kirk This thing, this cell, this virus It s 11,000 miles long, and it s one cell When it grows into millions we ll be the virus invading its body Dr McCoy Now, isn t that a thought Here we are, antibodies of our own galaxy, attacking an invading germ Be ironic indeed if that we re our sole destiny, wouldn t it. Capt Kirk You got something to say Dr McCoy Technically, no Medically, yes Between the stimulants and the pressure, I would suggest that you try to stay off your feet for a few minutes Capt Kirk I don t have a few minutes, Bones Maybe none of us do. Capt Kirk Spock You re alive Mr Spock communicating from shuttlecraft Obviously, Captain, and I have some fascinating data on the organism Dr McCoy Don t be so smart, Spock, you botched the acetylcholine tests. Capt Kirk Spock Dr McCoy What is it, Spock Are you in pain Mr Spock Captain, the Intrepid It just died And the four hundred Vulcans aboard, all dead. Dr McCoy Jim, according to the life indicators, the energy levels Capt Kirk Yes, say it, Bones Dr McCoy According to the life monitors, we re dying We re all dying. Mr Spock I assure you, doctor, I m quite alright The pain was momentary it passed quickly Dr McCoy Well, all my instruments seem to agree with you - if I can trust these crazy Vulcan readings. Sta r Trek The Empath 3 12 1968.Captain James T Kirk A race of mutes, like the civilization on Gamma-Vertis IV Dr McCoy That s my observation, for whatever it s worth. Dr McCoy Well, we can t keep referring to her as she as if she weren t here Captain James T Kirk D you have any ideas Dr McCoy Well, I don t know about you, but I m going to call her Gem Dr McCoy Gem, Doctor Dr McCoy Well, that s better than Hey, you. Dr McCoy Now, how would one get the bends down here. Dr McCoy Men weren t intended to live this far underground It s just not natural Captain James T Kirk And space travel is Mr Spock Some men spend the majority of their lives in mines beneath the surface Dr McCoy I m a doctor, not a coal miner. Captain James T Kirk Be careful Dr McCoy Why, she seems harmless enough Mr Spock The sand-bats of Manark IV appear to be inanimate rock crystal, Doctor, until they attack. Dr McCoy Don t fight the force field There s something about it that upsets the body metabolism Lal Not quite, Doctor Th e field draws its energy FROM your bodies The more you resist, the stronger the force field becomes. Lal Doctor, please understand if there was any other way to accomplish our purpose Dr McCoy strung up for torture Get on with it. Dr McCoy You ve got a good bedside manner, Spock. Dr McCoy Well, personally, I find it fascinating that with all their scientific knowledge and advances, that it was good old-fashioned human emotion that they valued the most Scott Perhaps the Vulcans should hear about this Captain James T Kirk Mr Spock, can you be prevailed upon to bring them the news Mr Spock Possibly, Captain Mr Spock with a wry look I shall certainly give the thought all the consideration it is due. Dr McCoy I m still Chief Medical Officer of the Enterprise I ll tell you what you need and when you need it. Star Trek Wolf in the Fold 2 14 1967.Captain James T Kirk having introduced Scotty to a beautiful belly dancer My work is never done Dr McCoy My work, Jim This is prescription stuff Don t for get, the explosion that threw Scotty against a bulkhead was caused by a woman Captain James T Kirk Physically he s all right Am I right in assuming that Dr McCoy Oh, yes, yes In matter of fact, considerable psychological damage could have been caused Eh, for example, his total resentment toward women Captain James T Kirk He seems to be overcoming his resentment Dr McCoy Of course, in my professional opinion, when he gets back to the ship, he s gonna hate you for making him leave Argelius, but then he will have lost total resentment toward women Captain James T Kirk Mission accomplished as far as Scotty is concerned Bones, I know a little place across town where the women Dr McCoy Yes I know the place I know the place, let s go. Dr McCoy But Sybo said that it feeds on death Mr Spock In the strict scientific sense, Doctor, we all feed on death, even vegetarians. Captain James T Kirk Bones, what s the sedative situation Dr McCoy I ve got some stuff that would tranquilize an active volcano. C aptain James T Kirk Bones, what would happen if that thing entered a tranquilized body Dr McCoy Well, it might take up knitting, nothing more violent than that. Captain James T Kirk Sybo spoke of a hunger that never dies Something that thrives on fear, terror, death Mr Spock, maybe we re going about it in the wrong way Let s assume that Sybo was a sensitive That she DID sense something, something evil Mr Spock Sensitivity of certain Argelian women is a documented fact, Captain Jaris My poor Sybo s talent was genuine, gentlemen What she told you was true Captain James T Kirk All right, then, what was it she said, exactly A monstrous evil, ancient terror Dr McCoy That devours all life and light Captain James T Kirk She said something else, words that didn t make any sense Dr McCoy Yes Redjac, Beratis and, er, Kesla Captain James T Kirk Obscure, meaningless words Mr Spock To us, perhaps, but to the computer Captain James T Kirk Ah Mr Spock, check them out. Hengist holding a knife to Yeoman Tankris throat Everybody keep back or I ll kill her I ll kill her Keep back Dr McCoy sauntering toward him You d better be careful You re going to hurt somebody with that thing. Scott Watching exotic belly dancer Captain, I think I m going to like Argelius Captain James T Kirk Obviously a man of good taste Scott You mean to tell me that all these well, that all this is Captain James T Kirk Yes, yes, yes, the Argelians think very highly of their pleasure Dr McCoy Now, that s an understatement if I ever heard one This is a completely hedonistic society Captain James T Kirk Do you like her, Scotty Scott Aye, why shouldn t I Captain James T Kirk Good I ve invited her to join us at the table I thought you might like to meet her Scott Now that s what I call a real captain always thinking of his men. Star Trek Miri 1 8 1966.Dr McCoy Now this is marvelous The most horrible conglomeration of antique architecture I ve ever seen. Dr McCoy It s dead It s incredible Capt Kirk What is Dr McCoy It s met abolic rate It s impossibly high, as if it burning itself up Almost as if it aged a century in just the past few minutes. Capt Kirk Bones Dr McCoy Hmm Capt Kirk Why do you think the symptoms haven t appeared on Mr Spock Dr McCoy I don t know Probably the little bugs or whatever they are have no appetite for green blood Mr Spock Hmm Being a red-blooded human obviously has its disadvantages. Dr McCoy A child entering puberty on this planet means a death sentence. Capt Kirk This is the vaccine Dr McCoy That s what the computers will tell us Mr Spock Without them, it could be a beaker full of death. Capt Kirk Just children 300 years old and more I ve already contacted Space Central They ll send teachers, advisors Dr McCoy And truant officers, I presume Capt Kirk They ll be all right. Capt Kirk You two will have to recreate their thinking If you can isolate that virus, you ll be able to develop a vaccine Dr McCoy Spock and McCoy trade incredulous looks Is that all, Captain We have five days, you know. Miri You got a foolie, is that it And you want me to play, but I can t I don t know the rules I ve got to know the rules Dr McCoy Foolie Miri A game You know You can t play a game without rules You grups ought to know THAT. Capt Kirk What d you find Dr McCoy The disease, Captain The one they created three hundred years ago Yeoman Rand There s a chance Dr McCoy There s a chance At least it s a race now, and we just wasted a minute. Star Trek The Trouble with Tribbles 2 15 1967.Dr McCoy It is a human characteristic to love little animals, especially if they re attractive in some way Spock Doctor, I am well aware of human characteristics I am frequently inundated by them, but I ve trained myself to put up with practically anything Dr McCoy Spock, I don t know too much about these little tribbles yet, but there is one thing that I have discovered Spock What is that, Doctor Dr McCoy I like them better than I like you Spock Doctor Dr McCoy Yes Spock They do indeed have one redeeming char acteristic Dr McCoy What s that Spock They do not talk too much If you ll excuse me, sir. Dr McCoy Do you know what you get if you feed a tribble too much Capt Kirk A fat tribble Dr McCoy No You get a whole bunch of hungry little tribbles Capt Kirk Well, Bones, all I can suggest is you open up a maternity ward. Dr McCoy Lieutenant, do you mind if I take one of these down to the lab to see what makes it tick Uhura Well, all right, Doctor, but if you re gonna dissect it, I don t want to know about it Dr McCoy I won t harm a hair on its head wherever that is. Spock of the tribbles They remind me of the lilies of the field They toil not, neither do they spin But they seem to eat a great deal I see no practical use for them Dr McCoy Does everything have to have a practical use for you They re nice, they re soft and they re furry, and they make a pleasant sound Spock So would an ermine violin, Doctor, but I see no advantage in having one. Dr McCoy scanning Darvin Heartbeat is all wrong His body temperature is Dr McCoy realizing Jim, this man is a Klingon. Capt Kirk I wanna know what killed these tribbles Dr McCoy I haven t figured out what keeps them alive yet. Dr McCoy enters after Kirk gets covered with tribbles Jim I think I ve got it All we have to do is quit feeding them We quit feeding them, they stop breeding Capt Kirk Now he tells me. Capt Kirk Lt Uhura, how did all these tribbles get on the bridge Uhura I don t know, sir They do seem to be all over the ship Capt Kirk Dr McCoy Dr McCoy Yes, did you want to see me, Jim Kirk hands him some tribbles Dr McCoy Well don t look at me, it s the tribbles that are breeding and if we don t get them off the ship were gonna be hip deep in them Capt Kirk Would you explain Dr McCoy The only thing that I can figure out is that they re born pregnant which seems to be quite a timesaver Capt Kirk I know but really Dr McCoy And, from my observations if seems they re bisexual, reproducing at will And brother, have they got a lot of will Spoc k Captain, I m forced to agree with the doctor I ve been running computations on their rate of reproduction The figures are taking an alarming direction They are consuming our supplies and returning nothing Uhura Oh, but they do give us something, Mr Spock They give us love Well, Cyrano Jones says that a tribble is the only love that money can buy Capt Kirk Too much of anything, lieutenant, even love isn t necessarily a good thing Uhura Yes, captain Capt Kirk Get a maintenance crew to clean up the entire ship and then contact Mr Lurry and tell him I m beaming down Uhura Aye, aye, sir Capt Kirk Have him find Cyrano Jones and hold him, weakly Capt Kirk and get these tribbles off the bridge. Star Trek Return to Tomorrow 2 20 1968.Capt Kirk When Sargon and I exchanged, as we passed each other, for an instant, we were one I know him now I know what he is and what he wants, and I don t fear him Dr McCoy That s the most ridiculous statement I ve ever heard An alien practically hijacks your bod y and then corks you into a bottle, and you Ann Mulhall interrupting I m afraid that I must agree with Dr McCoy You could be suffering from a form of of false euphoria. Dr McCoy They re giants, and we re insects beside them They could destroy us without meaning to. Dr McCoy narrating Medical log, Stardate 4770 3 Do I list one death or two When Kirk s body died, Sargon was too far distant from his receptacle to transfer back Sargon is dead But is Captain Kirk dead His body is, but his consciousness is still in the receptacle into which it was transferred earlier. Dr McCoy I will not peddle flesh I m a physician. Dr McCoy There was enough poison in that hypo to kill 10 Vulcans Sargon No, Doctor, I allowed you to believe that to be true so that Henoch would read your thoughts and believe it also. Scott in astonished disbelief You re going to WHAT Are they all right in the head, Doctor Dr McCoy boldly No comment Capt Kirk A simple transference Their minds and ours Dr McCoy sarcastically Quite s imple happens every day. Henoch in Spock s body This is an excellent body, Doctor I seem to have received the best of the three Strength, hearing, eyesight, all far above your human norms I m surprised the Vulcans never conquered your race Dr McCoy Vulcans worship peace above all, Henoch Henoch in Spock s body Yes, of course, of course Just as we do, Doctor. Thalassa Doctor, would you like to save your Captain Kirk Dr McCoy But you said that was impossible Thalassa We have many powers Sargon did not permit us to use He thought them too temping to us This body pleases me I intend to keep it Dr McCoy I see And Henoch intends to keep Spock s body, of course Thalassa Henoch s plans are his own affair I wish only to exist in peace as a living woman Dr McCoy If you re asking my approval Thalassa I require only your silence Now only you and I will know that Dr Mulhall has not returned to her body Isn t that worth your captain s life Doctor, we can take what we wish Neither you nor this ship nor all your words have the power to stop us Dr McCoy Neither Jim nor I can trade a body we don t own It happens to belong to a young woman Thalassa Who you hardly know - almost a stranger to you Dr McCoy I will not peddle flesh I m a physician Thalassa A physician In contrast to what we are you are a prancing, savage medicine man You dare defy one you should be on your knees worshiping I could destroy you with a single thought Painful energy field engulfs the doctor, then stops Thalassa Stop Sargon was right, the temptations within a living body are too great Forgive me. Star Trek All Our Yesterdays 3 23 1969.Dr McCoy Now, you listen to me, you pointed-eared Vulcan Mr Spock grabbing McCoy I don t like that I don t think I ever did, and now I m sure Dr McCoy What s happening to you, Spock Mr Spock Nothing that shouldn t have happened long ago Dr McCoy Long ago Of course Long ago. Mr Spock In this severe cold, we cannot survive much longer Dr McCoy Leave me here, Spock Mr Spock We go togethe r or not at all Dr McCoy Don t be a fool My hands and face are frostbitten I can t feel my feet Alone you have a chance Now do what I say Go try to find Jim Mr Spock We go together Dr McCoy You stubborn, thick-headed Vulcan. Dr McCoy Zarabeth, you are a beautiful cook Have you ever been told that Zarabeth Not recently Dr McCoy Oh, well, you ll find that Spock is quite delinquent in those matters Zarabeth I hadn t noticed it Dr McCoy Oh Well, now that I m feeling better, you ll notice a distinct difference in our approach. Mr Spock We can t get back Wasn t that clear to you Dr McCoy Yes, that was clear to me Mr Spock Then perhaps you were too ill to understand what can t get back means. Dr McCoy You ve been dishonest with me, Spock, and that is also something new for you. Dr McCoy Are you trying to kill me, Spock Is that what you really want Think what are you feeling Rage, jealousy Have you ever had those feelings before Mr Spock This is impossible Impossible I am a Vulcan Dr McCoy The Vul can you knew won t exist for another five thousand years Think, man What s happening on your planet right now, this very moment Mr Spock My ancestors are barbarians Warlike barbarians Dr McCoy Who nearly killed themselves off with their own passions Spock, you re reverting into your own ancestors five thousand years before you were born. Mr Spock to Zarabeth Dr McCoy is making excellent progress Dr McCoy And Mr Spock has been practicing medicine without a license Now, don t let him doctor you I m the doctor around here Mr Spock And known as the worst patient in the entire crew of the Enterprise. Mr Spock There s no further need to observe me, Doctor As you can see, I ve returned to the present in every sense Dr McCoy But it did happen, Spock Mr Spock Yes, it happened But that was five thousand years ago And she is dead now Dead and buried Long ago. Star Trek The Gamesters of Triskelion 2 16 1968.Dr McCoy Well, Mr Spock, if you re going into the lion s den, you ll need a medical officer Sp ock Daniel, as I recall, had only his faith, but I welcome your company, Doctor. Dr McCoy You re out of your Vulcan mind, Spock. Dr McCoy Hope I always thought that was a human failing, Mr Spock Spock True, doctor Constant exposure does result in a certain degree of - contamination. Dr McCoy It s been nearly an hour Can people live that long as disassembled atoms in a transporter beam Spock I have never heard of a study being done, but it would be a fascinating project Dr McCoy Fascinating Those people are friends of ours out there, if they re still alive Spock Precisely Dr McCoy Well, the odds are not good Spock No I would say approximately 400 Dr McCoy interrupting Don t quote odds and don t give me anymore dispassionate logic, Mr Spock Just keep looking for them Spock I would welcome a suggestion, Doctor, even an emotional one, as to where to look Dr McCoy The first time you ve ever asked me for anything, and it has to be an occasion like this. Dr McCoy You re gonna leave here without t hem and run off on some wild goose chase halfway across the galaxy, just because you found a discrepancy in a hydrogen cloud Spock Doctor, I am chasing the captain, Lieutenant Uhura, and Ensign Chekov, not some wild aquatic fowl. Spock Doctor, I do not respond to hunches No transporter malfunction was responsible for the disappearance They were not within the Gamma system A focused beam of extremely high-intensity light was directed into the Gamma system from the trinary system we are now approaching No known natural phenomena could have caused that beam Does that clarify the situation Dr McCoy No, it doesn t, Mr Spock It s still a fancy way of saying that you re playing a hunch. Dr McCoy What in the name of heaven is this Scott Heaven s got very little to do with this. Spock They are not within the confines of this solar system Dr McCoy It s been nearly an hour Can people live that long as disassembled atoms in a transporter beam Spock I have never heard of a study being done, but it wou ld be a fascinating project Dr McCoy Fascinating Those people are friends of ours out there, if they re still alive Spock Precisely Dr McCoy Well, the odds are not good Spock No, I would say approximately 400 Dr McCoy Don t quote odds and don t give me any more dispassionate logic, Mr Spock, just keep looking for them Spock I would welcome a suggestion, doctor, even an emotional one, as to where to look Dr McCoy The first time you ve ever asked me for anything and it has to be an occasion like this. Star Trek Requiem for Methuselah 3 19 1969.Flint I was born in that region of Earth later called Mesopotamia, in the year 3834 B C as the millennia are reckoned I was Akharin, a soldier, a bully and a fool I fell in battle, pierced to the heart - and did not die Dr McCoy amazed Instant tissue regeneration, coupled with some perfect form of biological renewal - you learned that you were immortal Flint and to conceal it, to live some portion of a life, to pretend to age and then move on before my nature was suspected. Captain James T Kirk You d wipe out four hundred lives Why Flint I have seen a hundred billion fall I know death better than any man I have tossed enemies into his grasp And I know mercy Your crew is not dead but suspended Captain James T Kirk Worse than dead Restore them Restore my ship Flint In time - a thousand, two thousand years You will know the future, Captain Kirk Dr McCoy You have been such men, you ve known and created such beauty, you ve watched your race evolve from cruelty and barbarism throughout your enormous life - and, yet, now you would do this to us Flint The flowers of my past I hold the nettles of the present I am Flint now, with MY needs Captain James T Kirk WHAT needs Flint Tonight, I have seen something wondrous, something I ve waited for, laboured for - nothing must endanger it At last, Rayna s emotions have stirred to life Now they will turn to me in this solitude which I preserve. Rayna Kapec Flint is my teacher You are the only other men I ve ever seen Dr McCoy The misfortune of men everywhere, and our privilege. McCoy whistling Saurian brandy, one hundred years old Jim Capt Kirk Please McCoy Mr Spock, I know you won t have one Heaven forbid those mathematically perfect brainwaves be corrupted by this all too human vice Spock Thank you, Doctor, I will have a brandy Kirk and McCoy look at each other in amazement McCoy to Kirk Do you think the two of us can handle a drunk Vulcan Once alcohol hits that green blood. McCoy to Spock You see, I feel sorrier for you than I do for him McCoy referring to Kirk because you ll never know the things that love can drive a man to - the ecstasies, the miseries, the broken rules, the desperate chances, the glorious failures and the glorious victories All of these things you ll never know, simply because the word love isn t written into your book Good night, Spock. Dr McCoy What else interests you besides gravity phenomena, Rayna Rayna Kapec Everything Less than that is betrayal of the intellect. Mr Spock I am close to experiencing an unaccustomed emotion Dr McCoy I ll drink to that. Dr McCoy All emotions are in play, Mr Flint You harm us she hates you. Star Trek This Side of Paradise 1 24 1967.Elias Sandoval Well, Doctor, I ve been thinking about what sort of work I could assign you to McCoy annoyed What do you mean what sort of work I m a doctor Elias Sandoval Not anymore, of course We don t need you, not as a doctor McCoy stands up Oh, no Would you like to see just how fast I can put you in a hospital Elias Sandoval I am the leader of this colony I ll assign you to whatever work I think is suitable begins to walk away McCoy Just a minute grabs Sandoval McCoy Better make me a mechanic Then I can treat little tin gods like you McCoy swings at McCoy - McCoy blocks and punches Sandoval in the stomach Sandoval doubles over and falls to the ground Sorry, Sandoval I don t know what made me do that Elias Sandoval Sandoval is now free of the spore influence as is McCoy Sandov al realizes finally what has happened We ve done nothing here No accomplishments, no progress Three years wasted We wanted to make this planet a garden McCoy You can t stay here You can t survive without the spores After you ve cleared at the starbase, you could be relocated It depends on what you want Elias Sandoval I think I d I think WE D like to get some work done, the work we started out to do. Dr McCoy On pure speculation, just an educated guess, I d say that man is alive. Capt Kirk My orders are to remove all the colonists and that s exactly what I intend to do, with or without your help Elias Sandoval Without, I should think Dr McCoy after Elias walks off Would you like to use a butterfly net on him, Jim. Dr McCoy Hey, Jim boy, ya ll ever have a real cold Georgia-style mint julep, huh. Dr McCoy Who wants to counteract paradise, Jim-boy. Dr McCoy Well, that s the second time man s been thrown out of paradise Captain James T Kirk No, no, Bones, this time we walked out on our own Maybe we weren t meant for paradise Maybe we were meant to fight our way through, struggle, claw our way up, scratch for every inch of the way Maybe we can t stroll to the music of the lute We must march to the sound of drums. McCoy I ve examined nine men so far varying in ages form 23 to 59 They re all in perfect condition Textbook responses Heart lungs excellent Coordination excellent Reflexes excellent If there re many more of them, I can throw away my shingle. Capt Kirk after speaking over communicator to a blissed-out Spock The frequency is open, but he doesn t answer McCoy That didn t sound at all like Spock, Jim Capt Kirk No I thought you said you might like him if he mellowed a little McCoy I didn t say that Capt Kirk You said that, I McCoy Not exactly And he might be in trouble. Star Trek Catspaw 2 7 1967.Dr McCoy examining Crewman Jackson The man is dead Korob voice, through Jackson s open mouth Captain Kirk, can you hear me There is a curse on your ship Leave this place, or you will all die. Dr McCoy Three witches what appears to be a castle, and a black cat Captain James T Kirk If we weren t missing two officers and a third one dead, I d say someone was playing an elaborate trick-or-treat on us Mr Spock Trick-or-treat , Captain Captain James T Kirk Yes, Mr Spock You d be a natural I ll explain it to you one day. Captain James T Kirk Bones Doc sees a skeleton next to Bones , which is, like them, chained to the wall Dr McCoy You were saying something about trick or treat. Mr Spock There are ancient Earth legends about wizards and their familiars Dr McCoy Familiars Mr Spock Demons in animal form sent by Satan to serve the wizard Captain James T Kirk Superstition Mr Spock I do not create the legend, Captain I merely report it. Korob You are most, um unpredictable Hm Well, perhaps I have made a, a small mistake Nevertheless, you have passed the tests Dr McCoy Tests Korob Yes Our analysis of you may have been in some small way in error but you were warned to stay away, an d yet you came to save your comrades That proves loyalty Your bravery was tested and you did not frighten And despite my failure with these bright baubles, I perceive that you cannot be bribed In many ways you are quite admirable. Korob You are the, uh, different one, Mr Spock You do not think like the others There re no colors to your patterns of logic, there s only black and white You see all this around you and yet you do not believe Dr McCoy He doesn t know about trick-or-treat Korob I do not understand that reference Therefore it also is of no importance. Dr McCoy You kept Scott and Sulu as catspaws to lure us down here How d you know we d come Korob Oh, we didn t have to know They knew. Star Trek Obsession 2 13 1967.Dr McCoy To be so obsessed Capt Kirk angrily Obsessed Dr McCoy That you could destroy yourself, uh your career a young boy who reminds you of yourself eleven years ago. Capt Kirk Report Scott When it entered impulse engine number two s vent, it attacked two crewmen then g ot into the ventilating system, and now we have air for only two hours Capt Kirk Bones Dr McCoy One man has a chance for survival the other is dead You can add that little price tag to your monster hunt Capt Kirk That s enough, Bones Dr McCoy It s NOT enough You didn t care what happened as long as you could hang your trophy on the wall Well, it s not on it, Captain, it s in it Mr Spock Gentlemen, may I suggest we no longer belabor the question of whether or not we should have gone after the creature The matter has been rendered academic The creature is now after us. Scott Captain, thank heaven Mr Spock Mr Scott, there was no deity involved It was my cross-circuiting to B that recovered them Dr McCoy Well, then, thank pitchforks and pointed ears As long as it worked, Jim. Dr McCoy Crazy way to travel, spreading a man s molecules all over the universe. Mr Spock I hope I m not disturbing you, doctor Dr McCoy Interrupting another autopsy report is no disturbance, Mr Spock, it s a relief Mr S pock I need your advice Dr McCoy Then, I need a drink Mr Spock I do not understand your reasoning Dr McCoy You need advice from me You must be kidding Mr Spock I do not joke, doctor Perhaps I should rephrase my statement I require an opinion There are many aspects of human irrationality I do not yet comprehend Obsession, for one the persistent, single-minded fixation on one idea Dr McCoy Jim and his creature Mr Spock Precisely, have you studied the incident involving the U S S Farragut Dr McCoy No, with all these deaths and injuries I ve only had a chance to scan the tapes There are 8 or 10 hours of record tapes there. Ensign Garrovick He saved my life, captain I should be lying dead in there, not him Spock Fortunately, neither of us is dead, ensign the reverse pressure worked, the vent is closed Capt Kirk Don t misunderstand my, uh, next question, Mr Spock Why aren t you dead Dr McCoy It s that green blood of his Spock My hemoglobin is based on copper, not iron Dr McCoy I ll bet he lef t a bad taste in the creature s mouth, too Spock Colloquially expressed but essentially correct Capt Kirk Yes sniffs the air Capt Kirk the scent is different I think I understand something, now Spock Do you believe you re in communication with the creature, captain Capt Kirk I don t know what it is, Mr Spock, but you remember I said the thing was alive It may not be communication as we know it, but I did know it was alive and intelligent, and I think I know something else, now. Dr McCoy What s that Nurse Chapel Hmm This Dr McCoy A survey on Cyngian respiratory diseases I thought you took Garrovick some food What were you doing with this Nurse Chapel shrugs, smiles Applying psychology. Star Trek Journey to Babel 2 10 1967.McCoy How does that Vulcan salute go Spock demonstrates McCoy That hurts worse than the uniform. McCoy Spock, I ve always suspected you were a little more human than you let on Mrs Sarek, I know about the rigorous training of the Vulcan youth, but tell me, did he ever run and play like the human children, even in secret Amanda Well, he, uh, he did have a pet Sehlat he was very fond of McCoy Sehlat Amanda It s sort of a a fat teddy bear McCoy grinning A teddy bear Sarek Excuse me, Doctor It has been a rather long day for my wife Captain Captain James T Kirk Ambassador McCoy needlingly Spock after Sarek and Amada have gone A teddy bear Spock Not precisely, Doctor On Vulcan the teddy bears are alive, and they have 6-inch fangs. McCoy Mrs Sarek, you must understand the chances are extremely small to find a way to produce sufficient T-negative blood Spock Indeed I would estimate the odds Amanda exasperated Please don t. first lines McCoy Captain Kirk is adjusting uniform in mirror, Dr McCoy pacing behind him, tugging at tight collar Dress uniforms - spit and polish I don t know how much longer I m gonna be able to stand this I feel like my neck s in a sling. last lines McCoy to Spock Shut up Kirk opens mouth to comment, McCoy interrupts McCoy Shh Shh Kirk lays back dejectedly McCoy smiles Well, what do you know I finally got the last word. McCoy Where do you think you re going Spock I must see the captain McCoy My patients don t walk out in the middle of an operation. Captain James T Kirk standing over a dead Tellarite How was he killed McCoy His neck was broken by an expert Captain James T Kirk Explain McCoy Well, from the nature and location of the break, I d say the killer knew exactly where to apply pressure to snap the neck instantly Captain James T Kirk Who aboard would have that knowledge Spock Vulcans On Vulcan the method is called Tal-Shaya It was considered a merciful form of execution in ancient times. Star Trek For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky 3 8 1968.Nurse Christine Chapel I am a nurse first, Dr McCoy, and a member of the crew of the Enterprise second Dr McCoy You re excused You may return to your quarters Nurs e Christine Chapel No, I m sorry, Doctor I have called the Captain, and I ll wait until he comes Captain James T Kirk enters What s the emergency Dr McCoy loudly I said you re excused, Nurse Dr McCoy quietly Please, Christine I promise you I ll give the Captain a full report Nurse Chapel exits Captain James T Kirk That was quite a scene Dr McCoy I ve just completed the standard physical examinations for the entire crew Captain James T Kirk Excellent What s the emergency Dr McCoy The crew is fit I found nothing unusual, with one exception Captain James T Kirk Serious Dr McCoy Terminal Captain James T Kirk What is it Dr McCoy Xenopolycythemia It has no cure Captain James T Kirk Who Dr McCoy He has one year to live at the most Captain James T Kirk Who is it Dr McCoy The ship s Chief Medical Officer Captain James T Kirk You Dr McCoy I ll be most effective on the job in the time left if you ll keep this to yourself. Dr McCoy as an old man enters the room Gentlemen, I believe we have a visito r Old Man bows, then passes out bits of herbs For strength Many of us have felt the power of our Oracle This has been of benefit Dr McCoy Tastes like an ancient herb derivative Old Man You are not of Yonada Captain James T Kirk No, we re from outside your world Old Man Where is outside Captain James T Kirk Up there Outside, up there, everywhere Old Man So they say, also Old Man winces in pain Many years ago, I climbed the mountains, even though it is forbidden winces again Captain James T Kirk Why is it forbidden Old Man I am not sure Old Man another wince But things are not as they teach us For the world is hollow, and I have touched the sky. Captain James T Kirk entering the transporter room with Spock to find McCoy ready to beam over with them Dr McCoy, Mr Spock and I will handle this Dr McCoy Without me, Jim You d never find your way back. Captain James T Kirk to McCoy You seem to be the special favorite Mr Spock Indeed, Doctor The young lady did show a marked preference for your com pany Dr McCoy Well, now, nobody can blame her for that, can he Captain James T Kirk Personally, I find the lady s taste questionable but she obviously prefers you, and you obviously don t seem to mind. Dr McCoy There s something I need to tell you Natira There is nothing you need to say Dr McCoy But there is Natira Then tell me, if the telling is such a need Dr McCoy I have an illness for which there is no cure I have one year to live Natira Until I saw you, there was nothing in my heart It sustained my life, but nothing more Now, it sings I could be happy to have that feeling for a day, a week, a month a year Whatever the Creators hold in store for us they kiss. The Oracle of the People To become one of the people of Yonada, the instrument of obedience must be made part of your flesh Do you now give your consent Dr McCoy I do The Oracle of the People Proceed. Natira I cannot go with you It is not fear I understand the great purpose of the Creators I shall honor it Dr McCoy You intend to stay here, on Yonada Natira I shall stay willingly and because that is what I must do Dr McCoy Then I won t leave you Natira Will McCoy stay here to die No McCoy will not let go of life and fullness of years. Star Trek Amok Time 2 1 1967.Dr McCoy about Spock There s a growing imbalance of body functions, as if, in our bodies, huge amounts of adrenalin were constantly being pumped into our blood streams Now, I can t trace it down in my biocomps, Spock won t tell me what it is, but if it isn t stopped somehow, the physical and emotional pressures will simply kill him Captain James T Kirk You say you re convinced he knows what it is Dr McCoy He does And he s as tight-lipped about it as an Aldebaran shellmouth. Dr McCoy Yeah Hot as Vulcan Now I understand what that phrase means. Dr McCoy There s just one thing, Mr Spock You can t tell me that when you first saw Jim alive that you weren t on the verge of giving us an emotional scene that would have brought the house down Spock Merely my quite logical relief that Starfleet had not lost a highly proficient captain Captain James T Kirk Yes, Mr Spock, I understand Spock Thank you, Captain Dr McCoy Of course, Mr Spock Your reaction was quite logical Spock Thank you, Doctor Kirk and Spock head for the exit Dr McCoy In a pig s eye. Dr McCoy Jim, when I suggested to Spock that it was time for his routine check-up, your logical, unemotional first officer turned to me and said, You will cease to pry into my personal matters, Doctor, or I shall certainly break your neck. Spock My orders were to report to sick bay, Doctor I have done so And now I ll go to my quarters Dr McCoy My orders were to give you a thorough physical In case you haven t noticed, I have to report to the same commanding officer that you do Come on, Spock, yield to the logic of the situation. Dr McCoy If you don t get him to Vulcan within a week, eight days at the outside, he ll die He ll die, Jim. Spock This is our place of kunat kalifee Dr McCoy to Kirk as Spock walks forward He called it kunat WHAT Captain James T Kirk He described it to me as meaning marriage or challenge In the distant past, Vulcans killed to win their mates Dr McCoy And they still go mad at this time - perhaps the price they pay for having no emotions the rest of the time. Star Trek I, Mudd 2 8 1967.McCoy talking about Norman There s something wrong about a man who never smiles, and whose conversation never varies from the routine of the job, and who won t talk about his background Spock I see McCoy Spock I mean, that it s, uh it s odd for a non-Vulcan Um the ears make all the difference. Captain Kirk Well, opinions Chekov I think we re in a lot of trouble Captain Kirk That s a great help, Mr Chekov Bones McCoy I think Chekov s right, we are in a lot of trouble Captain Kirk Spock, and if you say we re in a lot of trouble Spock We are. McCoy All right, it s worked so far, but we re not out yet Captain Kirk to Spock as he enters Well Spock Success, Captain We ve been pruning the leav es and branches of the tree, now it is time to get to work on the root. McCoy Besides, he has avoided two appointments that I ve made for his physical exam without reason Spock It s not at all surprising, Doctor He s probably terrified of your beads and rattles. McCoy mechanically You offer us only well-being Scott mechanically Food and drink and happiness mean nothing to us McCoy We must be about our job Scott Suffering in torment and pain, laboring without end McCoy Dying and crying and lamenting over our burdens McCoy Scott together Only this way can we be happy They curtsey sweetly. McCoy Well, you must be very unhappy, Mr Spock Spock That is a human emotion, Doctor, with which I am totally unfamiliar How could I be unhappy McCoy Well, we found a whole world of minds that work just like yours - logical, unemotional, completely pragmatic - and we poor, irrational humans whipped them in a fair fight Now you ll find yourself back among us illogical humans again Spock Which I find eminent ly satisfactory, Doctor, for NOWHERE am I so DESPERATELY needed as among a shipload of illogical humans. Harcourt Fenton Mudd explaining his latest trouble I, uh sold the Denebians all the rights to a Vulcan fuel synthesizer Capt Kirk And the Denebians contacted the Vulcans Harcourt Fenton Mudd How d you know Capt Kirk That s what I would have done Harcourt Fenton Mudd Oh It s a typical police mentality They ve got no sense of humour they arrested me McCoy Oh, I find that shocking Harcourt Fenton Mudd Worse than that Do you know what the penalty for fraud is on Deneb 5 Spock Guilty party has his choice Death by electrocution, death by gas, death by phaser, death by hanging Harcourt Fenton Mudd The key word in your entire peroration, Mr Spock, was d-d-d-DEATH Barbarians Well, of course I left Capt Kirk to the others He broke jail Harcourt Fenton Mudd I, ah, borrowed transportation Capt Kirk He stole a spaceship Harcourt Fenton Mudd the patrol reacted in a hostile manner Capt Kirk They fi red at him Harcourt Fenton Mudd They ve got no respect for private property - they damaged the bloody spaceship Well, I I got away, but I couldn t navigate, so I wandered out through unmapped space And here I found Mudd. Star Trek The Paradise Syndrome 3 3 1968.Dr McCoy Why, they look like I d swear they re American Indians Mr Spock They are, Doctor A mixture of Navajo, Mohican and Delaware, I believe - all among the more advanced and peaceful tribes Captain James T Kirk It s like discovering Atlantis Or Shangri-La. Captain James T Kirk It s just so peaceful Uncomplicated, no problems, no command decisions Just living Dr McCoy Typical human reaction to an idyllic natural setting Back in the 20th century, we referred to it as the Tahiti Syndrome It s particularly common to over-pressured leader types, like starship captains. Mr Spock Lock all phasers on that mark Maximum intensity, narrow beam I want to split that fissure wide open Dr McCoy You sound like you re cutting a diamond Mr Spock Very astute, Doctor. Mr Spock I believe those symbols are the key Dr McCoy Well, you won t read them by killing yourself You ve hardly eaten or slept for weeks Now, if you don t let up, you re going to collapse Mr Spock I am not hungry, Doctor And under stress, we Vulcans can do without sleep for weeks Dr McCoy scanning Spock Well, your Vulcan metabolism is so low it can hardly be measured, and as for the pressure, that green ice-water you call blood Mr Spock My physical condition is not important, Doctor That obelisk is. Dr McCoy Well, Spock, you took your calculated risk in your calculated Vulcan way and you lost You lost for us, you lost for that planet, and you lost for Jim Mr Spock studying his screen I accept the responsibility, Doctor Dr McCoy And my responsibility is the health of this crew You ve been driving yourself too hard now I want you to get some rest Mr Spock using the comm panel Mr Chekov, resume heading, 883 mark 41 Dr McCoy Back to that planet without warp speed It ll take MONTHS, Spock Mr Spock Exactly 59 223 days, Doctor and that asteroid will be four hours behind us, all the way Dr McCoy Well, then what s the use We might not be able to save the Captain, even if he still is alive We might not be able to save ANYTHING, including this ship Spock is motionless, studying Dr McCoy You haven t heard a word I ve said All you ve been doing is staring at that blasted obelisk Mr Spock Another calculated Vulcan risk, Doctor. Mr Spock The obelisk is a marker, just as I thought It was left by a super race, known as the Preservers They passed through the galaxy rescuing primitive cultures, which were in danger of extinction, and seeding them, so to speak, where they could live, and grow Dr McCoy I ve always wondered why there were so many humanoids scattered through the galaxy Mr Spock So have I Apparently, the Preservers account for a number of them Dr McCoy That s probably how the planet has survived all these centuries The Preservers put an asteroid deflect or on the planet Mr Spock Which has now become defective and is failing to operate. first lines Dr McCoy Look at those pine trees Captain James T Kirk And that lake Dr McCoy I swear that s honeysuckle I smell Captain James T Kirk I swear that s a little orange blossom thrown in It s unbelievable Growth, exactly like that of Earth, on a planet half a galaxy away What are the odds of such duplication Mr Spock Astronomical, Captain. Star Trek A Private Little War 2 19 1968.Dr McCoy I don t have a solution, but furnishing them firearms is certainly not the answer Capt Kirk Bones, do you remember the twentieth century brush wars on the Asian continent Two giant powers involved, much like the Klingons and ourselves Neither side felt that they could pull out Dr McCoy Yes, I remember It went on bloody year after bloody year Capt Kirk But what would you have suggested That one side arm its friends with an overpowering weapon Mankind would never have lived to travel space if they had No, the only solution is what happened back then balance of power Dr McCoy And if the Klingons g ive their side even more Capt Kirk Then we arm our side with exactly that much more A balance of power - the trickiest, most difficult, dirtiest game of them all, but the only one that preserves both sides. Scott Kirk and McCoy are holding Spock when they transport up What happened, Captain Capt Kirk Lead projectile Primitive firearm Dr M Benga They put Spock on the bed Vitalizer B Gives Spock an injection Dr McCoy Pressure backing Nurse hands pressure backing to McCoy Dr McCoy Lucky his heart is where his liver should be or he d be dead now Dr M Benga Not good, sir Dr McCoy Coranalin Capt Kirk Whistle from ship Alarm goes off Bones, can you save him Uhura Uhura talks through the speaker intercom All decks, Red Alert Battle Stations Battle Stations Go to Red Alert Capt Kirk Kirk walks to intercom Kirk here Uhura Uhura, sir We have a Klingon vessel on our screen Capt Kirk On my way Scotty Kirk and Scott walk to door door opens Capt Kirk Bones Dr McCoy I don t know yet, Jim Kirk and Scott leave transporter room. Capt Kirk Tomorrow in the palm of her hands Dr McCoy Well, you got what you wanted Capt Kirk Not what I wanted, Bones What had to be. Dr McCoy speaking through communicator Spock, are you alive Mr Spock on the bridge of the Enterprise An illogical question, Doctor, since obviously you are hearing my voice Dr McCoy Well, I don t know why I was worried You can t kill a computer. Nona Our blood has passed through the mahko root together Our souls have been together He is mine, now Tyree She must sleep, also Dr McCoy He is hers Tyree When a man and woman are joined in this manner, he can refuse her no wish. Star Trek The Enterprise Incident 3 2 1968. first lines Dr McCoy voice-over Enterprise Medical Log, stardate 5027 3, Dr Leonard McCoy recording I m concerned about Captain Kirk He shows indications of increasing tension and emotional stress Chekov I have completed the assignment, Captain a theoretical incursion Captain James T Kirk Yes, Mr Chekov, I can read, and as usual, your theoretical evaluations do not tally with mine Return to your duty, and I ll let you know when your work is satisfactory Mr Spock, full sensor scan on the region, please Spock I did give a full report on it just Captain James T Kirk Yes, Mr Spock, that was the past I m concerned with the present Captain James T Kirk to the Bridge crew Or is it becoming too much for this crew to present me with current information Spock No, sir Compliance presents no problem Captain James T Kirk Then, Mr Spock, comply Spock Sensor scan to one-half parsec Negative, Captain Captain James T Kirk Very well Dr McCoy voice-over I can find no reason for the Captain s behavior, except possibly that we ve been on patrol too long without relief and diversion He has resisted all of my attempts to run a psychological profile on him Sulu Maintaining course and speed, sir Captain James T Kirk Change course Come about to 185, mark 3 Sulu But sir, that ll lead us directly into the Romulan Neutral Zone Capt ain James T Kirk Yes, very perceptive, Mr Sulu I know where the course change takes us Execute Sulu Aye, sir. Uhura Doctor, you must beam aboard the Romulan flagship immediately there s been an injury Dr McCoy I don t make house calls Uhura Doctor, it s Captain Kirk. Spock has fended off an attack from Kirk by grabbing his face, after which Kirk falls to the floor Dr McCoy What did you do WHAT DID YOU DO Spock I was unprepared for his attack I instinctively used the Vulcan death-grip Dr McCoy examines the Captain Your instincts are still good, Mr Spock The Captain is dead. Captain James T Kirk My neck feels like it s been twisted off Dr McCoy That s the Vulcan death-grip for you. Dr McCoy You took a big chance that they didn t start an autopsy. last lines Kirk has earlier been surgically altered to look like a Romulan Dr McCoy Sickbay to Bridge Captain James T Kirk What is it, Bones Dr McCoy If all the shouting s over up there, I d like for you to report to Sickbay Captain James T Kirk What for Dr McCoy Well, you re due in surgery I am going to bob your ears Spock Captain, please go Somehow, they do not look aesthetically agreeable on Humans Dr McCoy Well, are you coming, Jim, or do you wanna go through life looking like your First Officer Captain James T Kirk I m on my way. Nurse Christine Chapel after seeing the Captain is alive Doctor Dr McCoy Dr McCoy Dr McCoy entering I left orders that no one was to come in here Nurse Christine Chapel But he s alive Alive Dr McCoy Well, now that you know it, you might as well assist me Hand me the physio-stimulator Nurse Christine Chapel But he was dead Their doctors certified he was dead hands over stimulator Dr McCoy Spock gave him a nerve pinch to simulate death Nurse Christine Chapel relieved Then Mr Spock isn t a traitor And you knew that all the time and you didn t Dr McCoy I didn t know it until I beamed aboard the Romulan ship Jim and Spock were operating under Federation orders Captain James T Kirk Ohh, ohh, my neck feels like it s been twisted off Dr McCoy That s the Vulcan Death Grip for you Nurse Christine Chapel There s no such thing as a Vulcan Death Grip Captain James T Kirk Ah, but the Romulans don t know that Sure fooled the doctors Dr McCoy You took a big chance that they didn t start an autopsy Captain James T Kirk to Nurse Chapel As far as the rest of the crew is concerned, I m still dead Nurse Christine Chapel Why Captain James T Kirk That s what this whole masquerade was about - to keep the Enterprise and the Federation off the hook Dr McCoy So that if anything went wrong, you would be the one to blame Captain James T Kirk Bones, I want you to prepare for surgery Dr McCoy What for. Star Trek Who Mourns for Adonais 2 2 1967. last lines Dr McCoy I w ish we hadn t had to do this Capt Kirk So do I They gave us so much - the Greek civilization, much of our culture and philosophy came from the worship of those beings In a way, they began the Golden Age Would it have hurt us, I wonder, just to have gathered a few laurel leaves. Dr McCoy noting Scotty s interest in Carolyn I m not sure I like that, Jim Capt Kirk Why, Bones Scotty s a good man Dr McCoy And he thinks he s the right man for her But I m not sure she thinks she thinks he s the right man On the other hand, she s a woman a beat Dr McCoy All woman. Chekov Sir, some creatures can generate and control energy with no harm to themselves The electric eel on Earth, the giant dry worm of Antos 4, the fluffy Dr McCoy interrupting Not the whole encyclopedia, Chekov Chekov The captain requires complete information Dr McCoy Spock s contaminating this boy, Jim Capt Kirk Are you suggesting that he, Apollo, taps a flow of energy and channels it through his body Chekov That would seem most like ly, sir Capt Kirk Mr Chekov, I think you ve earned your pay for the week. Dr McCoy Got any more good ideas, Jim Capt Kirk Yes, I have One more and it depends on the lieutenant s loyalty If she fails us, we better get used to herding goats. Apollo I want from you that which is rightfully mine - your loyalty, your tribute, and your worship Dr McCoy May I ask what you offer in exchange for this worship Apollo Life in paradise. Capt Kirk Apollo s no god, but he could ve been taken for one, though, once Say, 5,000 years ago, a highly sophisticated group of space travelers landed on Earth around the Mediterranean Dr McCoy Yes To the simple shepherds and tribesmen of early Greece, creatures like that WOULD have been gods Capt Kirk Especially if they had the power to alter their form at will and command great energy In fact, they couldn t have been taken for anything else. Star Trek The Corbomite Maneuver 1 10 1966.Capt Kirk When I get my hands on the headquarters genius that assigned me a female yeoman Dr McCoy What s the matter, Jim, don t you trust yourself Capt Kirk Kirk suppresses a smile I ve already got a female to worry about Her name s the Enterprise. Dr McCoy Rand enters the bridge carrying a tray I thought the power was off in the galley Yeoman Rand I used a hand phaser, and zap Hot coffee. Dr McCoy Balok s message - it was heard all over the ship Capt Kirk on ship-wide speakers Captain to crew Those of you who have served for long on this vessel have encountered alien life-forms You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, and irrational fear of the unknown There s no such thing as the unknown, only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood. Capt Kirk Doc Sorry Dr McCoy Oh, you had other things on your mind My fault I don t know how y ever kept form punching me in the face. Mr Spock A very interesting game, this poker Capt Kirk It does have advantages over chess Dr McCoy Love to teach it to ya. Star Trek By Any Other Name 2 22 1968.Rojan We do not col onize We conquer We rule There s no other way for us Dr McCoy In other words, The galaxy isn t big enough for both of us. McCoy has given Hanar another injection Hanar How many more of these Dr McCoy Well, now, let s see You ve had three shots I think you better stay on them for a few days, and then we ll see how you respond Hanar slightly irritated I see no reason for you to refer to yourself in the plural. Mr Spock describing his vision of the Kelvans Immense beings, a hundred limbs which resemble tentacles Minds of such control and capacity, that each limb is capable of performing a different function Dr McCoy Do you mean that s what the Kelvans really are Mr Spock Undoubtedly Dr McCoy Well, if they look that way normally, why did they adapt themselves to our bodies Captain James T Kirk Perhaps practicality They chose the Enterprise as the best vessel for the trip Immense beings with a hundred tentacles would have difficulty with the turbolift. Tomar watching the humans eat I do not understand why you take the trouble to consume this bulk material to, uh, sustain yourselves Tomar holding up a small box o f pills We have ascertained that these contain all the nutritional elements Dr McCoy Before you condemn it, why don t you try it Tomar I believe I will Assist me. McCoy has given Tomar some of the ship s food to taste, which the latter seems to enjoy Mr Spock Most curious Captain James T Kirk What is Mr Spock The isolated glimpses of things I saw when I touched Kelinda s mind are beginning to coalesce in my consciousness The Kelvans have superior intellectual capacity To achieve it, they ve apparently sacrificed anything which would tend to distract them - perceptive senses such as taste, touch, smell, and, of course, emotions Captain James T Kirk But then, Tomar shouldn t be enjoying the taste of his food Mr Spock Yes, quite correct, Captain But they have taken human form, and are therefore having human reaction Dr McCoy looking at Tomar Hm If he keeps reacting like that, he s gonna need a diet. Captain James T Kirk after the crew is turned into dehydrated solid orbs Is this all Mr Spock I have reviewed ship s personnel, Captain It appears we four are the only ones the Kelvans consider essential Dr McCoy Scotty tells me you could ve destroyed th e ship in the barrier Why didn t you Captain James T Kirk I couldn t Dr McCoy But that was our only chance to stop them Captain James T Kirk I didn t think it was Dr McCoy Jim Captain James T Kirk Bones, that s enough Dr McCoy Jim, I saw them reduce four of my doctors and nurses into those little Captain James T Kirk They ve reduced the whole CREW punches the rec room table. Star Trek The Apple 2 5 1967.Dr McCoy Well, I don t agree with you at all, Mr Spock Mr Spock That s not unusual, Doctor. Dr McCoy What s going on, Jim Capt Kirk Mess call Mr Spock In my view, a splendid example of reciprocity Dr McCoy It would take a computerized Vulcan mind such as yours to make that kind of a statement Mr Spock Doctor, you insist on applying human standards to nonhuman cultures I remind you that humans are only a tiny minority in this galaxy. Scott on bridge of the Enterprise Captain, we pulled away a little, we gained maybe an hour but we blew almost every system in the ship doing it There s nothin g left to try again I guess you ll have to fire me, sir Capt Kirk on planet surface You re fired closes communicator absentmindedly Capt Kirk 400 people McCoy Jim Capt Kirk They ll die because I couldn t see a warning sign I had to follow orders, always orders. Chekov appraising the planet It makes me homesick Just like Russia Dr McCoy More like the Garden of Eden, Ensign Chekov Of course, Doctor The Garden of Eden was just outside Moscow A very nice place Must ve made Adam and Eve very sad to leave. Mr Spock In my view, a splendid example of reciprocity Dr McCoy It would take a computerized Vulcan mind such as yours to make that kind of a statement Mr Spock Doctor, you insist on applying human standards to non-human cultures I remind you that humans are only a tiny minority in this galaxy Dr McCoy There are certain absolutes, Mister Spock, and one of them is the right of humanoids to a free and unchained environment, the right to have conditions which permit growth Mr Spock Another is t heir right to choose a system which seems to work for them Dr McCoy Jim, you re not just going to stand by and be blinded to what s going on here These are humanoids, intelligent They need to advance and grow Don t you understand what my readings indicate There s been no progress here in at least ten thousand years This isn t life It s stagnation Mr Spock Doctor, these people are healthy and they are happy What ever you choose to call it, this system works, despite your emotional reaction to it Dr McCoy It might work for you, Mister Spock, but it doesn t work for me Humanoids living so they can service a hunk of tin Capt Kirk Gentlemen, I think this philosophical argument can wait until our ship s out of danger. Star Trek The Galileo Seven 1 16 1967.Dr McCoy What do those supersensitive ears make of that, Mr Spock Spock Wood rubbing on some kind of leather. Dr McCoy Mr Spock, remind me to tell you that I m sick and tired of your logic Spock That is a most illogical attitude. Scott Mr Spoc k, you said a while ago that there were always alternatives Spock Did I I may have been mistaken Dr McCoy Well at least I lived long enough to hear that. Spock It is more rational to sacrifice one life than six, Doctor Dr McCoy I m not talking about rationality Spock You might be wise to start. Dr McCoy Now, look, we may all die here At least let us die like men, not machines. Dr McCoy Well, Mr Spock, they didn t stay frightened very long, did they Spock Most illogical reaction We demonstrated out superior weapons They should have fled Dr McCoy You mean they should have respected us Spock Of course Dr McCoy Mr Spock, respect is a rational process Did it ever occur to you they might react emotionally, with anger Spock Doctor, I m not responsible for their unpredictability. Star Trek The Savage Curtain 3 22 1969.Dr McCoy What s all this poppycock about life-forms on this planet, Spock The surface is molten lava, the atmosphere is poisonous. Scott President Lincoln, indeed No doubt to be follo wed by Louis of France and Robert the Bruce Dr McCoy If so, we ll execute appropriate honors to each, Mr Scott. Dr McCoy You re BOTH out of your heads Scott Aye, sir Captain James T Kirk And you re on the edge of insubordination Dr McCoy I d be on the edge of insubordination to remind the captain that this smells of something happening to him that I might not be able to patch back together again Scott Aye. Dr McCoy If they re wrong and they DO beam into a pool of lava Scott Then they re dead men I couldnae pull them back in time. Dr McCoy Just what was that you locked onto before you beamed him aboard Scott Ya heard Mr Spock yourself - mineral he called it, like living rock Dr McCoy And that became Lincoln Scott I couldn t tell May have been another figure down there standing by What do you make if it Dr McCoy I m not quite sure. Dr McCoy You re the science officer Why aren t you well, doing whatever a science officer does at a time like this Mr Spock I am, Doctor I am observing the alien. Star Trek Space Seed 1 22 1967.Captain James T Kirk the landing party has beamed aboard the Botany Bay Scotty Scott Definitely Earth-type mechanism, sir Twentieth century vessel Old type atomic power Bulky, solid I think they used to call them transistor units I d love to tear this baby apart Lt Marla McGivers Captain, it s a sleeper ship Captain James T Kirk Suspended animation Lt Marla McGivers I ve seen old photographs of this Necessary because of the time involved in space travel until about the year 2018 It took years just to travel from one planet to another Captain James T Kirk Is it possible they re still alive after centuries of travel Dr McCoy It s theoretically possible I ve never heard of it being tested for this long a period. Dr McCoy lying in sickbay, Khan surprises McCoy and holds a knife to his throat, then pauses Well, either choke me or cut my throat Make up your mind Khan Noonien Singh English I thought I dreamed hearing it Where am I Dr McCoy You re in Khan tightens his grip McCoy continues in a lower voice Dr McCoy You re in bed, holding a knife at your doctor s throat Khan Noonien Singh Answer my question Dr McCoy It would be most effective if you would cut the carotid artery, just under the left ear Khan Noonien Singh impressed, releases McCoy I like a brave man Dr McCoy takes the knife from Khan I was simply trying to avoid an argument. Captain James T Kirk about to beam aboard the Botany Bay You ready, Bones Dr McCoy No I signed aboard this ship to practice medicine, not to have my atoms scattered back and forth across space by this gadget Captain James T Kirk You re an old-fashioned boy, McCoy. Captain James T Kirk looking at a library picture of Khan on viewscreen Name Khan Noonien Singh Mr Spock From 1992 through 1996, absolute ruler of more than a quarter of your world, from Asia through the Middle East Dr McCoy The last of the tyrants to be overthrown Scott I must confess, gentlemen I ve always held a sneaking admiration for this one Capt ain James T Kirk He was the best of the tyrants and the most dangerous They were supermen in a sense Stronger, braver, certainly more ambitious, more daring Mr Spock Gentlemen, this romanticism about a ruthless dictator is Captain James T Kirk Mr Spock, we humans have a streak of barbarism in us Appalling, but there, nevertheless Scott There were no massacres under his rule Mr Spock And as little freedom Dr McCoy No wars until he was attacked Mr Spock Gentlemen Everyone but Spock laugh Captain James T Kirk Mr Spock, you misunderstand us We can be against him and admire him all at the same time Mr Spock Illogical Captain James T Kirk Totally. Captain James T Kirk The bridge is yours, Mr Spock Care to join the landing party, Doctor Dr McCoy Well, if you re actually giving me a choice Captain James T Kirk I m not Oh, I ll need somebody familiar with the late 20th Century Earth Here s a chance for that historian to do something for a change What s her name McIvers Mr Spock corrects Lieutena nt McGivers. Captain James T Kirk Lieutenant, at any one time, the safety of this entire vessel might depend on the performance of a single crewman aboard, and the fact that you find a man strangely compelling to you personally Lt Marla McGivers Not personally, Captain Professionally My profession is historian, and when I specimen from the past alive, I m in the sheer delight of examining his mind Captain James T Kirk And men were more adventuresome then Bolder, more coloful Lt Marla McGivers Yes, sir, I think they were Captain James T Kirk Good If I can have honesty, it s easier to overlook mistakes That s all Lt Marla McGivers Yes, sir She leaves sickbay Dr McCoy A pity you wasted your life on command, Jim You d made a fair psychologist Captain James T Kirk in mock arrogance Fair. Star Trek The Mark of Gideon 3 16 1969.Hodin on viewscreen, speaking from Gideon Mr Spock you are an officer of a spaceship In your profession you use many instruments, tools and weapons to achieve your objec tives Mr Spock on the bridge of the Enterprise True, your excellency Hodin However, the only tool diplomacy has is language It is of the utmost importance that the meaning be crystal clear Mr Spock Your excellency, I am basically a scientist Clarity of formulation is essential in my profession also Hodin I am glad to hear it Perhaps you could then make greater effort to choose your words more precisely sits down Dr McCoy to Spock Are you gonna let him get away with that Scott No matter what ye say, Mr Spock, he ll twist your meaning Uhura Yes, he s infuriating, sir, how can you stand it. Dr McCoy And just when I was beginning to think you might find a whole new career as a diplomat, Mr Spock. Mr Spock I shall beam down at once Mr Scott, you have the con Dr McCoy I ll pick up my medical tricorder and meet you in the transporter room Mr Spock Negative, Doctor I cannot accept the responsibility for ordering a fellow officer to violate a Starfleet directive I can make such a decision only fo r myself Dr McCoy I m not asking you to make the decision for me Mr Spock The situation forces me to do so, Doctor Dr McCoy Well in that case, it s the worst possible decision you can make, Spock. Mr Spock speaking over communicators I am on board an exact duplicate of the Enterprise Dr McCoy on the Enterprise Exact duplicate of the Enterprise Is it in orbit, Mr Spock Mr Spock In orbit, Doctor In a manner of speaking Gideon is in orbit, and the ship is on Gideon. Spock We must acknowledge once and for all that the purpose of diplomacy is to prolong crisis Dr McCoy Well, what are we waiting for, Mr Spock, we re not diplomats Spock We are representatives of the Federation, doctor Dr McCoy That doesn t mean we have to behave like children and listen to some fool lecture by a diplomat Spock Unfortunately, diplomacy is the only channel available to us at the moment. Mr Spock The planet is shielded from our sensors, therefore, we cannot scan it Therefore, we are unable to select coordinates, th ey must be provided by Gideon Chekov We should never have agreed to such restrictions Mr Spock We did not, Mr Chekov, the Federation did Lt Uhura Uhura Yes, Mr Spock Mr Spock Contact Starfleet immediately, explain our problem, request permission to use every means at our disposal to press the search for Captain Kirk Uhura At once, sir Chekov Are there any other possibilities Mr Spock They are endless, Mr Chekov Dr McCoy Where do we start, Mr Spock Mr Spock Institute a sensor scan 360 degrees, one degree at a time Dr McCoy You mean you re going to scan space for him Chekov But, sir, that could take years Mr Spock Then the sooner you begin, the better. Star Trek The Deadly Years 2 12 1967.Spock Doctor, ship s temperature is increasingly uncomfortable for me I ve adjusted the environment in my quarters to 125 degrees, which is at least tolerable However, I McCoy Well, I see I m not gonna be making any house calls on YOU Spock I wondered if perhaps there was something which could lower my s ensitivity to cold McCoy I m not a magician, Spock, just an old country doctor Spock Yes As I always suspected. McCoy I don t know what s causing it Virus, bacteria or evil spirits, but I m trying to find out. McCoy to Spock Oh, you re perfectly healthy Spock I must differ with you, Doctor I m having difficulty concentrating, which is most disturbing, my eye sight appears to be failing, and the normal temperature of the ship seems to me to be increasingly colder McCoy I did not say you weren t affected, Mr Spock You are perfectly healthy That is, for any normal Vulcan on the high side of 100.McCoy Anytime you re ready, Mr Spock Spock I am quite ready now, Doctor McCoy Because of your Vulcan physique, I ve prepared an extremely potent shot for you However, I thought you d might like to know that I ve removed all the breakables from sickbay Spock That is very considerate of you, Doctor. McCoy checking out the Captain s twinge Jim, I think we d better run a complete physical on you Captain J ames T Kirk Why Just muscular strain, hmm McCoy No, Jim It s advanced arthritis It s spreading. Arlene Galway from the blooper reel Doctor, may I speak to you for a moment, please McCoy Of course Arlene Galway Well, I know this is going to sound foolish, but Beverly Washburn breaks character Arlene Galway I feel like hell I ve forgotten my next line. Star Trek A Piece of the Action 2 17 1968.Spock on the 1920 s Chicago-style world Fascinating Dr McCoy This is like coming home Capt Kirk Home was never like this. Spock Logic and practical information do not seem to apply here Dr McCoy You admit that Spock To deny the facts would be illogical, Doctor. Dr McCoy We re trying to help you, Oxmyx Bela Oxmyx Nobody helps nobody but himself Spock Sir, you are employing a double negative. Dr McCoy How are you with primitive radio equipment Spock Very simple Amplitude modulation transmission Simply adjust the frequency, throw this switch The Enterprise should answer Radio Voice That was the Jailbreaker s with their latest recording on Request Time, brought to you by Bang-Bang, the makers of the sweetest little automatic in the wor Spock switches radio off Fascinating Dr McCoy And very simple. last lines Capt Kirk All right, Bones, in the language of the planet, What s your beef Dr McCoy Well, I don t know how serious this is, Jim And I don t quite know how to tell you Capt Kirk Go ahead Dr McCoy But in all the confusion, I Capt Kirk Tell me Dr McCoy I think I left it in Bela s office Capt Kirk You left it Dr McCoy Somewhere, I m-I m not certain Capt Kirk You re not certain of what Dr McCoy I left my communicator Capt Kirk In Bela s office Spock Captain, if the Iotians, who are very bright an imitative people, should take that communicator apart Capt Kirk They will, they will And they ll find out how the transtator works Spock The transtator is the basis for every important piece of equipment that we have - the transporter, the Capt Kirk overlapping Everything, everything Dr McCoy You really think it s that serious Capt Kirk Serious Serious, Bones It upsets the whole percentage Dr McCoy How do you mean Capt Kirk Well, in a few years, the Iotians may demand a piece of OUR act ion. Star Trek Day of the Dove 3 7 1968.Captain James T Kirk after learning there is an unknown alien on board A brother that never existed, a phantom colony, imaginary distress calls, the creation of these weapons Do you sense a pattern, Mr Spock Mr Spock If the alien is creating these events, Captain, it is apparently capable of manipulating matter and mind Captain James T Kirk And now it has control of the Enterprise and taking us out of the galaxy But why Mr Spock Captain, I am constrained to point out that since minds are evidently being influenced, we cannot know at this moment whether our own memories are completely accurate and true Captain James T Kirk We must talk to Kang, bury the hatchet Mr Spock as McCoy enters An appropriate choice of terms, Captain However, it is notoriously difficult to arrange a truce with the Klingons once blood has been drawn Dr McCoy Truce Are you serious I ve got men in Sickbay, some of them dying, atrocities committed on their persons, and you talk about making peace with these fiends If our backs were turned, they d jump on us in a minute And you know what Klingons do to prisoners slave labor, death planets, experiments Captain James T Kirk McCoy Dr McCoy While you re talking, they re planning attacks This is a fight to the death We d better start trying to win it. Dr McCoy How many more men must die before you two begin to act like military men, instead of fools. Dr McCoy Klingons claim to have honored the truce, but there ve been incidents, raids on our outposts Captain James T Kirk No proof that the Klingons committed it Dr McCoy What proof do we need We know what a Klingon is. Dr McCoy Those filthy butchers There are rules, even in war You don t keep hacking at a man after he s down. Dr McCoy Gentlemen, if we are pawns, you re looking at one who is extremely sorry Mr Spock I understand, Doctor I, too, felt a brief surge of racial bigotry Most distasteful. last lines Captain James T Kirk to the alien entity Get off my ship You re a dead duck here, you re powerless We know about you, and we don t want to play Maybe maybe there re others like you around, maybe you ve caused a lot of suffering, a lot of history but that s all over We ll be on guard now, we ll be ready for you, so ship out Come on, haul it Dr McCoy Yeah, out already Kang Out We need no urging to hate Humans But for the present, only a fool fights in a burning house Out. Star Trek Operation - Annihilate 1 29 1967.Dr McCoy Unusual eye arrangement I might ve known he d turn up something like that Capt Kirk What s that, doctor Dr McCoy I said, please don t tell Spock I said he was the best first officer in the fleet Spock Why thank you, Dr McCoy Capt Kirk You ve been so concerned about his Vulcan eyes, Doctor, you forgot about his Vulcan ears. Capt Kirk Mr Spock, regaining eyesight would be an emotional experience for most You, I presume felt nothing Spock Quite the contrary, Capt ain, I had a very strong reaction My first sight was the face of Dr McCoy bending over me Dr McCoy Hm, tis a pitty brief blindness did not increase your appreciation for beauty, Mr Spock. Dr McCoy examining four stunned Denevans There s something wrong, Jim Their nervous systems - unconscious like this there should be just routine autonomic activity, but I m getting a very high reading as though, even in their unconscious state, they re being violently stimulated. Dr McCoy holding a beaker of tentacle tissue Evidently, when the creature attacks it, uh, leaves a stinger much like a bee or a wasp, leaving one of these in the victim s body, and it takes over the victim very rapidly, and the entwining is far, far too involved for conventional surgery to remove. Spock, infected, beams down to the planet to collect a specimen Dr McCoy Jim, that man is sick - and don t give me any damnable logic about him being the only man for the job Capt Kirk I don t have to, Bones We both know he is. Star Trek The Lights of Zetar 3 18 1969.Dr McCoy Somehow I find transporting into the darkness unnerving. Dr McCoy That is tape deck D - brain circuitry pattern of Lt Mira Romain Mr Spock Gentlemen, is also happens to be tape H - the impulse tracking obtained from the alien life units. Dr McCoy A comparison of our Steinman with Starfleet records shows that Lt Romaine s fingerprints, voice analysis, all external factors remain exactly the same as before however, according to two hyperencephalograms, her brainwave pattern has been altered Capt Kirk But that s impossible Dr McCoy That s what I was taught. Dr McCoy Reduce the pressure very, very gradually, Spock Mr Spock We may tax Mr Scott s patience, Doctor. Star Trek The Animated Series The Pirates of Orion 2 1 1974.D r McCoy Jim, choriocytosis is a strange disease In races with iron-based blood, it s practically nothing, but in others Capt Kirk interrupting Get to the point, Bones Dr McCoy Spock has contracted the disease It s fatal to Vulcans. Capt Kirk It will hurt seeing him like that Dr McCoy I know As much as it might seem at times that I can t stand that pointy-eared encyclopaedia, I don t wanna see that happen to him. Dr McCoy about to give an injection This won t hurt a bit, Spock Mr Spock An unnecessary assurance, doctor, in addition to being untrue Dr McCoy That s the last time I waste my bedside manner on a Vulcan gives him the injection Mr Spock Such restraint would be welcome. Dr McCoy Blasted Vulcan Why couldn t you have red blood like any normal human. Capt Kirk Am I interrupting something Mr Spock Nothing but Dr McCoy s gloating Dr McCoy Spock, that green blood of yours may have saved you before, but this time it almost did you in You can t deny it Mr Spock I still prefer my physiologic al structure to yours Capt Kirk Yes, gentlemen, things are back to normal. Star Trek Dagger of the Mind 1 9 1966.Mr Spock Interesting You Earth people glorify organized violence for 40 centuries, but you imprison those who employ it privately Dr McCoy And, of course, your people found an answer Mr Spock We disposed of emotion, Doctor Where there is no emotion, there is no motive for violence. Captain James T Kirk Bones, are you aware that in the last 20 years, Dr Adams has done more to revolutionise, to humanise prisons and the treatment of prisoners than all the rest of humanity have done in 40 centuries I ve been to those penal colonies since they begun following his methods, and they re not cages any more Dr McCoy Jim Captain James T Kirk They re clean, decent hospitals for sick minds. Dr McCoy It s hard to believe that a man could die of loneliness Captain James T Kirk Not when you ve sat in that room. Dr McCoy I m required to enter any reasonable doubts into my medical log that requir es you to answer in YOUR log Sorry, Jim. Star Trek Plato s Stepchildren 3 10 1968.Captain James T Kirk slowly crawling on his belly towards Parmen Being your slave what should I do but tend upon the hours and times of your desire I have no precious time at all to spend nor service to do till you Dr McCoy shouting Stop it Don t do this to him, Parmen. Dr McCoy as the Platonians force Spock into fits of laughter He s a Vulcan You can t force emotion out of him Philana Oh, you must be joking, Doctor Dr McCoy It could destroy him Parmen We can t let him die laughing, can we gestures towards Spock, who promply starts crying. Dr McCoy Jim, my concoction actually worked the fever is broken And what recuperative powers The infection s begun to drain already Spock with deliberate dispassion Dr McCoy, you may yet cure the common cold. Spock trying to control his rage Captain Captain James T Kirk Yes, Spock Spock Do you still feel anger toward Parmen Captain James T Kirk Great anger Spock And you, Dr McCoy Dr McCoy Yes, Spock And hatred Spock Then you must release it, gentlemen, as I must master mine I might have seriously injured you, Captain, even killed you They have evoked such great hatred in me I cannot allow it to go further gets up, walks to a table Spock I must master it I must control crushes an object with his bare hand. Dr McCoy The release of emotions, Mr Spock, is what keeps us healthy - emotionally healthy, that is Spock That may be, Doctor, however I have noted that the healthy release of emotion is frequently very unhealthy for those closest to you. Star Trek Is There in Truth No Beauty 3 5 1968. Marvick, having seen Kollos, has been driven insane Larry Marvick Don t love her Don t love her She ll kill you if you love her I love you, Miranda he collapses Dr McCoy He s dead, Jim. Spock has performed a mind-meld with Kollos, who now shares Spock s body Mr Spock as Kollos This is delightful I know you All of you James Kirk, Captain and friend for many years And Leonard McCoy, also of long acquaintance And Uhura, whose name means freedom She walks in beauty, like the night Dr McCoy That s not Spock Mr Spock Are you surprised to find that I ve read Byron, Doctor Dr McCoy That s Spock. Dr Miranda Jones I spent four years on Vulcan studying their mental discipline Dr McCoy You poor girl. Dr McCoy toasting How can one so beautiful condemn herself to look upon ugliness the rest of her life Will we allow it, gentlemen Captain James T Kirk Certainly not Mr Spock Negative Scott Larry Marvick No-no Dr Miranda Jones counter-toast to McCoy How can one so full of joy and the love of life as you, Doctor, condemn yourself to look upon disease and suffering for the rest of YOUR life Can we allow THAT, gentlemen. Dr McCoy Isn t it suicidal to deal with something ugly enough to drive men mad Why do you do it Mr Spock I see, Doctor McCoy, that you still subscribe to the outmoded notion, promulgated by your ancient Greeks, that what is good must also be beautiful Larry Marvick And the reverse, of course, that what is beautiful is automatically expected to be good Captain James T Kirk Yes, I think most of us are attracted by beauty and repelled by ugliness - one of the last of our prejudices At the risk of sounding prejudiced, gentlemen, here s to beauty. Star Trek Turnabout Intruder 3 24 1969.Dr Janice Lester in Kirk s body Well this is especially disturbing to me for uh, personal reasons Dr McCoy Oh I didn t know you knew her that well Dr Janice Lester Oh, yes Been a long time since I saw her I walked out on her when it became serious Dr McCoy Well, you must have been very young at the time, Jim Dr Janice Lester Youth doesn t excuse everything, Dr McCoy. Dr Janice Lester in Kirk s body Dr McCoy, I m sorry but I m going to have to take you off the case and turn it ove r to Dr Coleman Dr McCoy You can t do this On this ship, my medical authority is final Dr Janice Lester If Dr Coleman wants to assume the full responsibility, let him do it Dr McCoy I won t allow it Dr Janice Lester It s DONE. Dr McCoy I appreciate the fact that you had a decision to make I also find myself in that position now, Jim, and I m asking you to report for an examination Dr Janice Lester in Kirk s body What What do you base that on Dr McCoy Development of emotional instability and erratic mental attitudes since returning from that planet. Dr Janice Lester in Kirk s body I don t think another test is necessary Dr McCoy The Robbiani dermal-optic is crucial It reveals the basic emotional structure. Scott We ll have to take over the ship Dr McCoy We re talking about mutiny, Scotty Scott Aye Are you ready for the vote. Star Trek The Enemy Within 1 5 1966.Lt Cmdr Leonard Bones McCoy, M D Jim, you can t risk your life on a theory Mr Spock Being split in two halves is no theory with me, Doctor I have a human half, you see, as well as an alien half, submerged, constantly at war with each other Personal experience, Doctor I survive it because my intelligence wins out over both, makes them live together to Kirk Mr Spock Your intelligence would enable you to survive, as well. Captain James T Kirk talking about Kirk s negative side-duplicate I have to take him back inside myself I can t survive without him I don t want to take him back He s like an animal, a thoughtless, brutal animal, yet it s me me Lt Cmdr Leonard Bones McCoy, M D Jim you re no different than anyone else We all have our darker side We need it It s half of what we are It s not ugly It s human Captain James T Kirk Human Lt Cmdr Leonard Bones McCoy, M D Yes, human A lot of what he is makes you the man you are God forbid I should have to agree with Spock, but he was right Without the negative side, you wouldn t be the captain - you couldn t be, and you know it Your strength of command lies mostly in him Capta in James T Kirk What do I have Lt Cmdr Leonard Bones McCoy, M D You have the goodness Captain James T Kirk Not enough I have a ship to command Lt Cmdr Leonard Bones McCoy, M D The intelligence, the logic It appears your half has most of that, and perhaps that s where man s essential courage comes from For you see, he was afraid, and you weren t. Captain James T Kirk What s the matter with me Mr Spock Judging from my observations, Captain, you re rapidly losing the power of decision Lt Cmdr Leonard Bones McCoy, M D You have a point, Spock Mr Spock Yes Always, Doctor We have here an unusual opportunity to appraise the human mind, or to examine, in Earth terms, the roles of good and evil in a man his negative side, which you call hostility, lust, violence, and his positive side, which Earth people express as compassion, love, tenderness Lt Cmdr Leonard Bones McCoy, M D It s the captain s guts you re analyzing Are you aware of that, Spock Mr Spock Yes, and what is it that makes one man an e xceptional leader We see indications that it is his negative side which makes him strong, that his evil side, if you will, properly controlled and disciplined, is vital to his strength to Kirk Mr Spock Your negative side removed from you, the power of command begins to elude you Captain James T Kirk What is your point, Mr Spock Mr Spock If your power of command continues to weaken, you ll soon be unable to function as captain You must be prepared for that. Star Trek The City on the Edge of Forever 1 28 1967.Dr McCoy You deliberately stopped me, Jim I could have saved her Do you know what you just did Spock He knows, Doctor He knows. Dr McCoy after coming out of a faint The most common question to ask would be Where am I I don t think I ll ask it Edith Keeler Why not Dr McCoy The only possible answer would conclusively prove that I m either unconscious or demented This looks like old Earth around 1920, 25 Edith Keeler Would you care to try for 30 Dr McCoy I am unconscious or demented Edit h Keeler I have a friend that talks about Earth the same way that you do Would you like to meet him Dr McCoy I m a surgeon, not a psychiatrist I am Leonard McCoy, Senior Medical Officer aboard the U S S Enterprise Edith Keeler I don t mean to disbelieve you, but that s hardly a Navy uniform Dr McCoy That s quite all right That s quite all right, dear, because I don t believe in you, either. Dr McCoy to Edith You know, I ve convinced myself that this is all in a cordrazine hallucination But I ve decided you re not. Dr McCoy Assassins Murderers Murderers Assassins he spots a homeless man Dr McCoy You What planet is this the homeless man runs away Dr McCoy chasing after him, shouting crazily No Don t run I won t kill you It s they who do the killing Don t run I won t kill you. Dr McCoy tending to an injured and unconscious Sulu There s a heart flutter I d better risk a few drops of cordrazine Capt Kirk That s tricky stuff - are you sure you want to risk Dr McCoy McCoy administers the cordraz ine, and Sulu s eyes open You were about to make a medical comment, Jim Capt Kirk Who, me, Doctor. Star Trek That Which Survives 3 17 1969.Captain James T Kirk about Losira She must have been a remarkable woman Dr McCoy And beautiful Mr Spock Beauty is transitory, Doctor however, she was evidently highly intelligent Captain James T Kirk Kirk to Enterprise, five to beam up I don t agree with you, Mr Spock Mr Spock Indeed, Captain Captain James T Kirk Beauty survives. In trying to dig D Amato s grave with his phaser, Kirk can t get far Sulu That s the same red rock Captain James T Kirk My phaser didn t cut through it Dr McCoy Whatever it is, it has a mighty high melting point Captain James T Kirk 8,000 degrees Centigrade It looks like igneous rock but infinitely denser. Sulu taking readings after an earthquake It s gone hands Kirk his tricorder Sulu The Enterprise - it s gone D Amato He s right There s nothing there Dr McCoy How could it just be gone What the devil does that mean, Jim Captain James T Kirk For one thing it means we re stranded. Sulu Looking at a rockpile grave marker for D amato He looks so lonely there Dr McCoy It would be worse if he had company Sulu How can you joke about it Dr McCoy I m not joking Until we know what killed him, none of us is safe. Star Trek The Omega Glory 2 23 1968.Dr McCoy Jim, the analysis of this so far is potassium 35 , carbon 18 , phosphorus 1 0, calcium 1 5 Jim, the crew didn t leave They re still here Captai n James T Kirk What do you mean Dr McCoy These white crystals is what s left of the human body when you take the water away, which makes up 96 of our bodies Without water, we re all just three or four pounds of chemicals. Captain Tracey excitedly You ve isolated the serum Captain James T Kirk shouting There s no serum There re no miracles There s no immortality here All this is for nothing Captain Tracey Explain it to him, Doctor Dr McCoy Leave medicine to medical men, Captain You found no fountain of youth here. Dr McCoy Spock, we gotta do something Mr Spock I m open to suggestions, Doctor Dr McCoy notices Spock concentrating on Sirah What re you doing Mr Spock I m making a suggestion. Dr McCoy Who knows It might eventually cure the common cold, but lengthen lives Poppycock I can do more for you if you just eat right and exercise regularly. Dr McCoy Spock, I ve found that evil usually triumphs - unless good is very, very careful. Star Trek The Devil in the Dark 1 25 1967. McCoy has been or dered to help a silicon-based life form McCoy You can t be serious That thing is virtually made out of stone Captain James T Kirk Help it Treat it McCoy I m a doctor, not a bricklayer Captain James T Kirk You re a healer There s a patient That s an order. Mr Spock The Horta is badly wounded It may die Dr McCoy It won t die By golly, Jim, I m beginning to think I can cure a rainy day Captain James T Kirk Can you help it Dr McCoy Helped it I cured it Captain James T Kirk How Dr McCoy Well, I had the ship beam down 100 pounds of that thermal concrete You know, the kind we use to build emergency shelters out of em It s mostly silicone So I just troweled it into the wound, and it ll act like a bandage until it heals Take a look It s as good as new Captain James T Kirk Well, Mr Spock, I m gonna have to ask you to get in touch with the Horta again Tell her our proposition She and her children can do all the tunneling they want, our people will remove the minerals, and each side will leave the other alone You think she ll go for it Mr Spock It seems logical, Captain The Horta has a very logical mind - and after close association with humans, I find that curiously refreshing. Dr McCoy Schmitter didn t burn to death, Jim, not in the usual sense anyway Captain James T Kirk Explain that Dr McCoy Well, there are only fragments of bone and teeth left, but the plant s physician agrees with me - a chemical corrosion, almost as if he d been thrown into a vat of extremely corrosive acid Captain James T Kirk Strong enough to eat machinery Dr McCoy Strong enough to eat anything else the way we can think of. Mr Spock Curious What Chief Vanderberg said about the horta is exactly what the mother horta said to me She found humanoid appearance revolting but she thought she could get used to it Dr McCoy Oh, she did, did she Now, tell me, did she happen to make any comment about those ears Mr Spock Not specifically, but I did get the distinct impression she found them the most attractive human c haracteristic of all I didn t have the heart to tell her that only I have Captain James T Kirk interrupts Spock She really liked those ears Mr Spock Captain, the horta is a remarkably intelligent and sensitive creature with impeccable taste Captain James T Kirk Because she approved of you Mr Spock Really, Captain, my modesty Captain James T Kirk interrupts Spock does not bear close examination, Mr Spock I suspect you re becoming more and more human all the time Mr Spock surprised a little You Captain, I see no reason to stand here and be insulted Captain James T Kirk exchanges laughing glances with McCoy as Spock walks away Ahead Warp Factor Two. Star Trek The Man Trap 1 1 1966.Captain James T Kirk Shall we pick some flowers, Doctor When a man visits an old girlfriend, she usually expects something like that Dr McCoy Is that how you get girls to like you - by bribing them. Dr McCoy examining Darnell Dead, Jim first aired occurrence of his famous line. Dr McCoy Lord, forgive me before shoo ting Nancy , the creature. Star Trek Arena 1 18 1967. first lines Captain James T Kirk You ll enjoy Commodore Travers He sets a good table Dr McCoy I wonder if he brought his personal chef along with him to Cestus III Captain James T Kirk Probably Rank hath its privileges Dr McCoy they both chuckle How well we both know that. Dr McCoy Where s the Captain, Mr Spock Mr Spock He s out there, Doctor - out there somewhere, in a thousand cubic parsecs of space and there is absolutely nothing we can do to help him. Dr McCoy We appeal to you in the name of civilization Put a stop to this Metron Your violent intent and actions demonstrate that you are not civilized. Dr McCoy I, for one, could use a good non-reconstituted meal Mr Spock Doctor, you are a sensualist Dr McCoy You bet your pointed ears I am. Star Trek The Animated Series The Eye of the Beholder 1 15 1974.Captain James T Kirk A captain of a ship, no matter his rank, must follow the book Mr Spock A capability I m afraid out of the reach of most humans Doctor McCoy You Vulcans are the most impossible, unimaginative Captain James T Kirk Bones, that s not helping the situation. Doctor McCoy My shoes are full of sand Mr Spock Doctor, your lack of scientific interest is amazing. Captain James T Kirk A forcefield It seems harmless enough Doctor McCoy So do the bars of a jail unless you re on the inside Captain James T Kirk And we are definitely on the inside. Star Trek The Conscience of the King 1 13 1966.Dr McCoy This is the first time in a week I ve had time for a drop Would you care for a drink, Mr Spock Mr Spock My father s race was spared the dubious benefits of alcohol Dr McCoy Oh Now I know why they were conquered What are you worried about Jim generally knows what he s doing Mr Spock It was illogical for him to bring those players aboard Dr McCoy Illogical Did you get a look at that Juliet That s a pretty exiting creature Of course your, uh, personal chemistry would prevent you from seeing that Did it ever occur to you t hat he simply might like the girl Mr Spock It occurred I dismissed it Dr McCoy You would. Dr McCoy In the long history of medicine, no doctor has ever caught the first few minutes of a play. Dr McCoy What if you decide that he is Kodos What then Do you play God, carry his head through the corridors in triumph That won t bring back the dead, Jim Captain James T Kirk No But they may rest easier. Mr Spock You ve got to pull him through Dr McCoy I m not sure I can Mr Spock If he dies, the only one who ll able to identify Kodos is the captain, and he ll be the next target. Star Trek New Voyages Come What May 1 0 2004.Mr Spock Doctor, your dismal record with emotional women has already been established Dr Leonard Bones McCoy Why you, green-blooded, in-human, son of a. Admiral Leslie on viewscreen Captain Captain James T Kirk Admiral, I was just about to send you my report Dr Leonard Bones McCoy Oh, we re all ears Admiral Leslie You will proceed to the following coordinates and redezvous with two robot cargo ships carrying a shipment of grain to Sherman s planet. Star Trek Wink of an Eye 3 11 1968.Dr McCoy I was looking at him I was looking right at him and he and he just wasn t there. Captain James T Kirk Bones, could something be making me hallucinate Dr McCoy Whadda you mean Captain James T Kirk I mean that twice before something touched me and there was nothing there, and it just happened again Could I be imagining it Dr McCoy Well, physically, there s nothing wrong with you Captain James T Kirk But am I hallucinating Dr McCoy I d say no Captain James T Kirk Then we did beam something aboard Something HAS invaded the ship. Dr McCoy There s no questions about it, Spock I want you to take a look at this The same substance is in the captain s coffee as in the Scalosian water and there s no trace of it in any of the other cups. Star Trek Shore Leave 1 15 1966.Captain James T Kirk You follow the rabbit I ll backtrack the girl I ll meet you around the other side of the hill Dr McCoy Good I got a personal grudge against that rabbit, Jim. Tonia Barrows about to change clothes in the bushes Don t peek Dr McCoy My dear girl, I am a doctor When I peek, it s in the line of duty. Dr McCoy Oh, them, well I, uh I was thinking about a little cabaret I know on Rigel II, and, uh there were these two girls in the chorus line And, well, here they are Well, after all, I am on shore leave Tonia Barrows And so am I Dr McCoy Oh, yes, so you are. Dr McCoy communicating up to the ship Captain, are you beaming down Captain James T Kirk I hadn t planned to, Bones Why Dr McCoy Well, either our scouting probes and detectors are malfunctioning, and all us scouts careless and beauty-intoxicated, or I must report myself unfit for duty Captain James T Kirk Explain Dr McCoy On this supposedly uninhabited planet I just saw a large rabbit pull a gold watch from his vest and claim that he was late Captain James T Kirk That s pretty good, Bones All right, I got one for you The rabbit was followed by a little blonde girl, right Dr McCoy As a matter of fact, yes, and they disappeared through a hole in a hedge Captain James T Kirk All right, Doctor, I ll take your report under consideration. Star Trek And the Children Shall Lead 3 4 1968.Mr Spock Evil does seek to maintain power by suppressing the truth Dr McCoy Or by misleading the innocent Captain James T Kirk Misleading the innocent I wonder. Dr McCoy As Medical Officer I must warn you that unless the normal grief is tapped and released from these children, you are treading dangerously. Dr McCoy of the children They re crying, Jim I don t know how it happened, but it s good to see. Star Trek Mudd s Women 1 6 1966.Captain James T Kirk Bridge to transporter room How many did we get off Lt Cmdr Montgomery Scotty Scott staring at Mudd s women Oh Erm Four in all, sir Captain James T Kirk If the captain that vessel can walk, I want him in my cabin immediately Correction, I want him there whether he can walk or not Kirk out Harcourt Fenton Mudd aka Leo Walsh That fellow sounded a mite upset, didn t he Lt Cmdr Leonard Bones McCoy, M D staring at Mudd s women Yes yes they are. Mr Spock I m happy the affair is over A most annoying emotional episode Lt Cmdr Leonard Bones McCoy, M D points at his chest Smack right in the old heart Oh, I m sorry points at his kidneys Lt Cmdr Leonard Bones McCoy, M D In your case, it would be about here Mr Spock The fact that my internal arrangement differs from yours, Doctor, pleases me no end. Captain James T Kirk Well, come on, you re the doctor What is it Is it that we re tired and they re beautiful and they are INCREDIBLY beautiful Lt Cmdr Leonard Bones McCoy, M D Are they, Jim Are they actually more lovely, pound for pound, measurement per measurement, than any other women you ve known, or is it that they just well, ACT beautiful No, strike that Strike that Captain James T Kirk KIRK What are they, Bones Lt Cmdr Leonard Bones McCoy, M D You mean are they alien illusions That sort of thing Ca ptain James T Kirk I asked you first Lt Cmdr Leonard Bones McCoy, M D No An alien smart enough to pull this would be smart enough to keep my medical scanner from going BLEEP Captain James T Kirk I don t follow you Lt Cmdr Leonard Bones McCoy, M D I don t either. Star Trek Patterns of Force 2 21 1968.Spock the Enterprise has detonated a missile launched at them from a nearby planet Fascinating A thermonuclear warhead McCoy That s generations ahead of where these people should be technically How did they manage that Capt Kirk Maybe they had help referring to a picture of John Gill, a Federation member the Enterprise has been sent to locate. McCoy has beamed down in a Nazi uniform Stupid computer made a mistake in the measurements The right boot s too tight Spock There is a logical way to proceed, Doctor Point your toe, apply equal pressure to either side of the boot and push We have no time for emotionalism. Spock Captain, I never will understand Humans How could a man as brilliant, a mind as logical as John Gill s, have made such a fatal error Capt Kirk He drew the wrong conclusion from history The problem with the Nazis wasn t simply that their leaders were evil, psychotic men They were But the main problem, I think, was the leader principle McCoy What he s saying, Spock, is that a man who holds that much power, even with the best intentions, just can t resist the urge to play God Spock Thank you, Doctor I was able to gather the meaning McCoy It also proves another Earth saying Absolute power corrupts absolutely Darn clever, these Earthmen, wouldn t you say Spock Yes Earthmen like Ramses, Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Lee Kuan Your whole Earth history is made up of men seeking absolute power McCoy defensively Now, Spock, you obviously don t under Spock Obviously, Doctor, you fail to accept Capt Kirk Gentlemen - gentlemen, we ve just been through one civil war let s not start another. John Gill Ekosians, the road ahead is difficult It requires courage and dedicati on It requires faith The Zeon colony has existed for nearly a half a century If we fulfill our own greatness, that will all be ended Working together will at times be difficult to reach that goal And we will reach that goal Spock Captain, the speech follows no logical pattern Capt Kirk Random sentences strung together McCoy He looks drugged, Jim Almost at a cataleptic state. Star Trek The Animated Series The Magicks of Megas-Tu 1 8 1973.Doctor McCoy At least I have the good sense to be scared, Jim. Doctor McCoy You think Lucien really was the demon some men call Lucifer Captain James T Kirk Does it really matter, Bones Mr Spock It just might, captain If he was, this would be the second time Lucifer was cast out And thanks to you, the first time he was saved. Star Trek The Animated Series The Survivor 1 6 1973.Doctor McCoy surprised to see the captured shape-shifter escorted by a guard You caught him Mr Spock Acute observation, Doctor Doctor McCoy I m glad to see him under guard, Jim If he d turned into a second Spock, it would have been too much to take Mr Spock Perhaps But then two Dr McCoys just might bring the level of medical efficiency on this ship up to acceptable levels. Doctor McCoy Spock, of all the cold blooded, inhospitable requests I ve ever heard. Doctor McCoy And you say I m a man of curious habits Jim s talking to a table. Star Trek The Doomsday Machine 2 6 1967.Capt Kirk Bones, you ever hear of a doomsday machine Dr McCoy No, I m a doctor, not a mechanic. Spock Random chance seems to have operated in our favor Dr McCoy In plain non-Vulcan English, we ve been lucky Spock I believe I said that, Doctor. Star Trek Metamorphosis 2 9 1967.Dr McCoy I m not a scientist or a physicist, Mr Spock, but am I correct in assuming that anything that generates electricity can be shorted out Mr Spock Quite correct, Doctor. Captain James T Kirk How do you fight a thing like that Dr McCoy Maybe you re a soldier so often that you forget you re also trained to be a diplomat Why no t try a carrot instead of a stick. Captain James T Kirk There s no doubt about it, the Companion is female Zefram Cochrane I don t understand Dr McCoy You don t A blind man could see it with a cane You re not a pet You re not a specimen kept in a cage You re a lover. Star Trek Court Martial 1 20 1967.Dr McCoy If you have any doubt, that was indeed Captain James Kirk of the Enterprise Areel Shaw Yes, I know Are you a friend of his Dr McCoy In these trying times, one of the few Doctor Leonard McCoy, and you Areel Shaw Areel Shaw, and I m a friend, too An old one Dr McCoy All of my old friends look like doctors all of his look like you. Dr McCoy Mr Spock, you re the most cold-blooded man I ve ever known Mr Spock Why, thank you, Doctor. Dr McCoy If you have any doubts, that was indeed Captain James Kirk, of the Enterprise Areel Shaw Yes, I know Are you a friend of his Dr McCoy In these trying times, one of the few Doctor Leonard McCoy And you Areel Shaw Areel Shaw And I m a friend too An old o ne Dr McCoy All of my old friends look like doctors All of his look like you huge grin Dr McCoy. Star Trek Balance of Terror 1 14 1966.Stiles These are Romulans You run away from them and you guarantee war They ll be back - not just one ship, but with everything they ve got You know that, Mr Science Officer You re the expert on these people, but you ve always left out that one point Why I m very interested in why Captain James T Kirk Sit down, mister Stiles does so, there is an awkward silence Mr Spock I agree Attack Captain James T Kirk Are you suggesting we fight to prevent a fight Dr McCoy Based on what Memories of a war over a century ago On theories about a people we ve never even met face to face Stiles We know what they look like Mr Spock Yes, indeed we do, Mr Stiles And if the Romulans are an offshoot of my Vulcan blood - and I think this likely - then attack becomes even more imperative Dr McCoy War is never imperative, Mr Spock Mr Spock It is for them, Doctor Vulcan, like Eart h, had its aggressive, colonizing period - savage, even by Earth standards - and if the Romulans retain this martial philosophy, then weakness is something we dare not show. Stiles We enter the Neutral Zone in one minute, Captain Dr McCoy Do we violate the treaty, Captain Mr Spock They did, Doctor Mr Spock Once inside, they can claim we did A set-up They want war, we furnish the provocation. McCoy In this galaxy, there s a mathematical probability of three million Earth-type planets And in all of the universe, three million million galaxies like this And in all of that and perhaps more, only one of each of us pause McCoy Don t destroy the one named Kirk. Star Trek The Squire of Gothos 1 17 1967.Mr Spock The precise meaning of the word desert is a waterless, barren wasteland I fail to understand your romantic nostalgia for such a place Dr McCoy Doesn t surprise me, Mr Spock I can t imagine a mirage ever disturbing those mathematically perfect brainwaves of yours Mr Spock Thank you, Dr McCo y. Dr McCoy You should taste his food Straw would taste better than his meat, and water a hundred times better than his brandy - nothing has any taste at all Mr Spock It may be unappetizing, doctor, but it is logical Dr McCoy Ah, there s that magic word again Does your logic find this fascinating, Mr Spock Mr Spock No, fascinating is a word I use for the unexpected In this case, I should think interesting would suffice. Captain James T Kirk How were our scanners able to penetrate that radiation field Mr Spock They didn t, Captain Not clearly We merely beamed up all life forms in a given area Dr McCoy Which means Trelane is not a life form as we know it or he d be beaming through now. Star Trek The Animated Series The Infinite Vulcan 1 7 1973.Doctor McCoy Now just a minute I can t let you, whatever you are, inject him with some alien dewdrop. Captain James T Kirk Bones Doctor McCoy One of my great, great granddaddies way back had the finest garden in the South Had to scramble around a littl e bit to find the materials, but I ve got his recipe brewing now. Doctor McCoy Well how about that Great Granddady s weed spray still works. Star Trek The Animated Series Mudd s Passion 1 10 1973.Captain James T Kirk Do you think Harry Mudd is doen there, Spock Mr Spock The probability of his presence on Motherlode is 81 per cent plus or minus 53 Doctor McCoy Why can t you just say Mudd s probably there Mr Spock I just did, doctor. Doctor McCoy Did I ever tel you about the time I saved captain Kirk s life Or Spocks the girl shakes her head Doctor McCoy And my dear friend scotty, and that pretty little lieutenant Uhura, I ve saved just about everbody on this here ship If the Enterprise had a heart, I d safe her too Now, let s talk about your heart, my dear. Star Trek The Changeling 2 3 1967.Nomad You are the Kirk, the creator You programmed my function Dr McCoy outraged Well, I M not the Kirk Tell ME what your function is Nomad This is one of your units, creator Capt Kirk Yes, he is Nomad I t functions irrationally Capt Kirk Sometimes, but tell him your function, nevertheless Nomad My function is to probe for biological infestations, to destroy that which is not perfect. Dr McCoy looking at an isometric drawing of the NOMAD probe Well, that s not the same Spock Essentially, it is, Doctor I believe that more happened to it than just damage in the meteor collision It mentioned the other The unanswered question is the other WHAT. Star Trek The Next Generation Encounter at Farpoint 1 1 1987.Lt Commander Data I thought it was generally accepted, sir, that Vulcans are an advanced and most honorable race Admiral Leonard H Bones McCoy They are, they are And damn annoying at times. Star Trek The Animated Series Once Upon a Planet 1 9 1973.Mr Spock Was anyone considering the subject of pterodactyls Doctor McCoy Spock, not now. Doctor McCoy Your forgetting one thing the planet s sensors can undoubtedly deteact the difference between real and feigned injuries Captain James T Kirk True, B ones, but I m sure there must be something in your little black pouch that can temporarily incapacitate our victim Doctor McCoy Well, something like Melenex might do the trick brief unconciousness and temporary skin discoloration It looks worse than it is Captain James T Kirk Perfect, Bones. Star Trek New Voyages In Harms Way 1 1 2004.Mr Spock Doctor, your poor attempts at humor exasperate an already desperate situation Dr Leonard Bones McCoy I don t think I like you. Dr Leonard Bones McCoy All this, for a history we don t know, for people we may or may not become Captain, call it off while you still can. Star Trek The Animated Series Albatross 2 4 1974.Mr Spock You realize doctor, if you go and fail to find an antidote, you too will die Dr McCoy I m a doctor, Spock A doctor Get us beamed aboard. Capt Kirk Gentlemen, I don t know about you, but I m ready to get back to Starbase Dr McCoy Yes, sir Dr McCoy And I m ready to get back to some of that monotonous, ol routine sickbay work Mr Spock Including, I would hope, some of that monotonous, old dispensing of the regular vitamin rations to the crew Dr McCoy What is that supposed to mean Mr Spock Well, you have been derelict in your duties, of late, doctor Dr McCoy Spock, you know as well as I do what we ve all just been through Mr Spock Hippocrates would not have approved of lame excuses, doctor. Dr McCoy Jim, if I m ever in jail again, don t send that Vulcan to release me Just let me rot. Star Trek Elaan of Troyius 3 13 1968.Dr McCoy Are you out of your Vulcan mind. Captain James T Kirk The Federation High Commissioner will be attending the wedding Dr McCoy Oh, the fat will be in the fire when he learns the bride just tried to murder the groom s ambassador. Dr McCoy Now listen, Jim Petri told Christine that the Elasian women have a sort of a biochemical substance in their tears that acts like a super love potion And according to him, it doesn t wear off. Star Trek The Return of the Archons 1 21 1967.Dr McCoy absorbed You speak in strange whispers This is not the way of Landru. Dr McCoy absorbed Blessed be the body, and health to all of its parts. Star Trek Let That Be Your Last Battlefield 3 15 1969.Captain James T Kirk in Sick Bay, McCoy is examining the unconscious Lokai after the Enterprise recovers him in a stolen shuttle Your prognosis, Doctor Dr McCoy Well, I can t give you one, Jim I ve never worked on anyone like him or any THING like him Mr Spock Yet you are pumping him full of your noxious potions as if he were a human Dr McCoy angrily When in doubt, the book prevails, Mr Spock I ve run tests Blood is blood, even when it s green like yours. Dr McCoy Well, however we view him, captain, he s certainly no ordinary specimen Well, Lokai, I don t know what s normal for you exactly, but if I had your readings I would be the most incredible physical specimen of all time We ve never encountered a being like you I d like to know more about you and your planet Lokai I m very tired Captain James T Kirk And very evasive, or at least not fully responsive Now then Lokai I insist, I m extremely tired, made so by your vindictive cross examinations I will answer no more questions. Star Trek The Animated Series How Sharper Than a Serpent s Tooth 2 5 1974.Kukulkan If you do not know me, than it is my task to teach you transports the crewmen to another place Dr McCoy Just once I wish he d let us use the stairs. Dr McCoy There s a line from Shakespeare Captain Kirk Yes Bones, I remember it How sharper than a serpents tooth it is to have a thankless child Mr Spock Indeed, Captain. Star Trek Charlie X 1 2 1966.Captain James T Kirk I d like you to give him the necessary medical orientation on the problems of eh, adolescence Lt Cmdr Leonard Bones McCoy, M D Don t you think it would be better for a strong father image, like you He already looks up to you Captain James T Kirk The job is yours, Bones, flattery will get you nowhere. Lt Cmdr Leonard Bones McCoy, M D What s going on here Spock calls me to the bridge and then goes into some kind of poetry Captain James T Kirk referring to the wounded Uhura See to her, Doctor Mr Spock Once upon a midnight dreary while I pondered, weak and weary Charlie Evans Very nice, Mr Ears. Star Trek The Alternative Factor 1 27 1967.Dr McCoy He s in a lot of pain Capt Kirk Sometimes pain can drive a man harder than pleasure I m sure you know that, Doctor. Dr McCoy Well, as you know, we both brought Lazarus in here and I treated a deep abrasion on his forehead, right Capt Kirk Right Dr McCoy And then I bandaged it, I stepped into this room for just a moment Capt Kirk Bones, I have a lot of things to do Get to the point Dr McCoy Well, say he s got the constitution of a dinosaur, recuperative powers, ditto Capt Kirk Mm-hm Dr McCoy And, as we both know, I m a bright young medic with a miraculous touch Capt Kirk Mm-hm Dr McCoy Well, why, then, when I returned, there wasn t a trace of that wound on his forehead Not even a bruise It was like he had never been injured. St ar Trek Tomorrow Is Yesterday 1 19 1967.Capt Kirk talking about Captain Christopher And if we do get back to where we belong, then he won t belong We re roughly about the same age, but in our society, he d be useless Archaic Dr McCoy But maybe he could be retrained, re-educated Capt Kirk Now you re sounding like Spock Dr McCoy If you re gonna get nasty, I m gonna leave. Mr Spock I made an error in my computations Dr McCoy Oh This could be an historic occasion. Star Trek New Voyages To Serve All My Days 1 2 2006.Dr Leonard Bones McCoy Take this shift off Go back to your quarters and relax Lt Pavel Chekov But doctor, I feel fine Dr Leonard Bones McCoy Hey, doctor s orders And if you decide to disobey, remember, I can pull you in here for a complete two day medical exam, with probes, just because Lt Pavel Chekov I think I ll go back to my quarters and relax. Star Trek New Voyages Blood and Fire Part Two 1 5 2009.Kirk What the hell do you think you re doing McCoy This isn t negotiable, Jim Th ose people need a doctor who knows what he s doing I m it Kirk Bones, I can order you not to go McCoy You re not the only one who can disobey an order You wanna save em So do I Now let me do my God damn job. Star Trek The Animated Series The Terratin Incident 1 11 1973.Doctor McCoy Jim, you don t mean you re going to abandon the mapping mission to check out some meaningless signal Captain James T Kirk Meaningless at the moment, Bones, but it was sent twice Odd against that occuring in a totally random transmission are too high to ignore. Mr Spock Miss Chapel, what is the composition of this decoration Nurse Christine Chapel Well it was made for me by the Titanium smiths of Libra, but it was an arm bracelet More like a necklace now Mr Spock Yet the uniform on which you wear it fits as well as ever Uniform made of algae based xenulon, I believe Doctor McCoy Aren t all our uniforms xenulon Captain James T Kirk Yes And they ve all been shrinking proportionally with us. Star Trek The Animated Series The Lorelei Signal 1 4 1973.Theela I am Theela, the head female Welcome, James Kirk, Dr McCoy, Mr Spock, welcome Mr Spock The form is humanoid, but there are many internal differences Their bodies appear to function in an unusual psychokinetic level Doctor McCoy First time I ever admired a body function. Theela Take them to the slumber chambers They must rest Doctor McCoy Probably that nectar It s potent as Saurian brandy. Star Trek The Menagerie Part I 1 11 1966.Captain James T Kirk There s a false entry in the log right now which doesn t jibe with the established facts How do you explain that Dr McCoy I can t But to question Spock, of all people Me, yes I could run off half-cocked given a good reason, so could you, but not Spock It s impossible. Mr Spock Doctor, as senior officer present, I present myself to you for arrest Dr McCoy What Mr Spock The charge is mutiny, Doctor I never received orders to take command. Star Trek Adventure 1991.Dr McCoy Medical log, stardate 8707 2 Dr M cCoy reporting The crew of the Enterprise is busy readying itself for an ordeal that I m sure will prove to be trying a Starfleet training mission Below us on Earth, Captain Kirk and Mr Spock are attending a conference at Federation headquarters, which makes them unable to help supervise the new graduates But at least I m not alone in this endeavor Uhura, Chekov, Sulu and Scotty are aboard too, and you couldn t ask for better instructors than that. Dr McCoy Now that the new Captain and his fellow graduates are on the bridge, I can feel my nervous stomach acting up I have to keep reminding myself that this is only a training mission. Star Trek The Animated Series One of Our Planets Is Missing 1 3 1973.Mr Spock Captain, I have completed the analysis of the target area Unfortunately, the brain is so vast, our entire offensive armament will not assure its destruction However, the brain could e completely destroyed if we convert the entire ship to energy aimed at the brain s cortex and expand the energy in one mortal strike Doctor McCoy That sounds like you re telling us to blow up the ship Mr Spock I believe that is what I just said, doctor. Doctor McCoy Jim, if we don t self-destruct now, all those people will die. Star Trek The Animated Series The Practical Joker 2 3 1974.Dr McCoy Lieutenant Uhura, I have to hand it to you This is just what the doctor would have ordered. Dr McCoy When I get my hands on the clown who s behind all this, I ll put him in sickbay for a week Main Computer Temper, temper. Star Trek The Naked Time 1 4 1966.Dr McCoy Jim, he was decontaminated, he s been medically checked, we ve run every test we know for everything that we know Capt Kirk That s not good enough Dr McCoy Well, we re doing everything that s possible Capt Kirk Bones, I want the impossible checked out, too. Dr McCoy Your pulse is two hundred and forty-two Your blood pressure is practically non-existent Assuming you call that green stuff in your veins blood Spock The readings are perfectly normal for me, Doctor, thank you And as for my anatomy being different from yours, I am delighted. Star Trek The Animated Series The Ambergris Element 1 13 1973.Doctor McCoy Medical Log Stardate 5506 2 Captain Kirk and First Officer Spock were rescued forty-eight hours ago They have no recollection of what happened to them after they were attacked, but medical examinations show an unidentified substance in the blood stream has affected their entire metabolism and changed them into water breathers Their internal structure is completely transformed, and even their eyes are covered with a transparent film, like the second eyelid of a fish So far all efforts to return them to normal have failed. Doctor McCoy on intercom There s a seaquake due in that area A bad one Complete topography changes Scotty How soon Doctor McCoy Scotty Within four hours When are Jim and Spock due to make contact Scotty About the same time Scotty Well can you contact them sooner Scotty We can try like blue blazes Sc ott out. Star Trek New Voyages World Enough and Time 1 3 2007.Star Trek Whom Gods Destroy 3 14 1969.Dr McCoy How can we be powerful enough to wipe out a planet and still be so helpless. Star Trek The Animated Series More Tribbles, More Troubles 1 5 1973.Star Trek Mirror, Mirror 2 4 1967.Dr McCoy Jim, I think I liked him with a beard better It gave him character Of course almost any change would be a distinct improvement Captain James T Kirk What worries me is the easy way his counterpart fitted into that other universe I always thought Spock was a bit of a pirate at heart Mr Spock Indeed, gentlemen May I point out that I had an opportunity to observe your counterparts here quite closely They were brutal, savage, unprincipled, uncivilized, treacherous - in every way splendid examples of homo sapiens, the very flower of humanity I found them quite refreshing Captain James T Kirk to McCoy I m not sure, but I think we ve been insulted Dr McCoy I m sure. Star Trek The Animated Series Yesteryea r 1 2 1973.Doctor McCoy If that was supposed to be a joke, Spock, I have to remind you Vulcans don t tell jokes Mr Spock Times change, Doctor Times change. Star Trek Judgment Rites 1993 VG. Doctor Leonard McCoy You can never trust anybody, and people who look like pointy-eared hobgoblins are definitely at the bottom of the list Spock It appears that Doctor McCoy did not learn the lesson of this mission either Unfortunate, but not unexpected. Star Trek New Voyages Blood and Fire Part One 1 4 2008.Bal des Conscrits de Besse. On vous propose de venir vous dtendre avec nous le temps d une soire, que se soit pour faire une pause pendant vos rvisions, de souffler aprs les examens, ou tous simplement de passer encore une bonne soire avec nous. On se retrouve donc le 30 MAI la SALLE POLYVALENTE de BESSE. La musique sera assur par Extremusic Disco-mobile et la Buvette sera au rendez-vous videment. 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